[HYC] Don't replace cover-action pulls with buttons
asked 2015-03-02 19:09:39 +0200
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Please do not replace cover-actions pulls with buttons. At least not on the phone.
This will be huge usability issue for people with worker hands that do multitasking. I may be able to hit a small button with one app open. But with 5+ apps open how do you expect me to hit these tiny, tiny play/pause button on media player with my huge thumb? Now I have a big target of the whole cover to hit and 100% accuracy of pulling either left or right.
This change also forces me to be extra carefull when I want to just switch the app. I need to be carefull not to tap the action buttons.
This may be not obvious if you do all your testing on the tablet, but may prove serious issue when forced on phone users.
They should change something, do thing others. You will need to adjust you.
heubergen ( 2015-03-02 19:13:46 +0200 )editPlease understand one thing: Jolla is about making money. The new why-should-you-buy-instead-of-de-facto-market-leader-android communicated is security, of your device and privacy.
UI differences, or concepts actually superior but difficult to understand or communicate, hamper the ease of switching over of said target audience (I didn't say: those 80% of the market that use android). So even if there is better concepts, revolutionary new look and feel, this won't sell Jollas to current android diciples.
I am sad about this change of course.
Low ( 2015-03-02 21:45:38 +0200 )editbuttons? taps? this is just so "like"...
tad ( 2015-03-03 00:38:51 +0200 )edit@Low And why we should care about that ? ;-) Aren't we supposed to be #unlike, not "consumable by average consumer" ?
MartinK ( 2015-03-03 01:08:44 +0200 )edit@Low I understand your point, but I believe that this change will make it harder to use for the average customer. Currently, you can tap anywhere on the cover to open the app; in the new version, you will have to think twice before tapping it, so you don't trigger some other action. This will be very confusing for new users and I don't think it will get under user's skin.
It's like if you had an icon in the menu and only one half of the icon would launch an app and the second one would lock the phone - it would be the most confusing thing.
nodevel ( 2015-03-03 09:12:13 +0200 )edit