Provider Documentation

asked 2015-03-06 12:47:18 +0200

sm-jolla gravatar image

Is there some documentation about the stuff that is in /usr/share/accounts/? I want to have the means to upload my gallery stuff directly to my owncloud server. So it seems I can add a provider and service there. But is ther a schema for this xml stuff? Would this be enough or is there something else to do.

I really want to improve something on the phone as it is still missing a lot of features the N9 had (For example the very basic task of importing ics Attachments to my calendar). However, the documentation is really .... well, non existent. Compared to Android I feel lost. This is a mayor drawback for Jolla/Sailfish as a platform. There must be more documents about the APIs. I don't think it is a good idea to let developers find out what technologies are used and then let them start to dig for the information themselves. There should be more on than this simple hello world stuff.

This was also mentioned here. IMHO there is no real improvement since this questions was asked.

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