Suggestion: Revert browser's bookmarks grid back to a list

asked 2015-03-06 22:06:00 +0300

alamaki gravatar image

In (Yliaavanlapi) you replaced browser's perfectly usable bookmarks list with a grid of icons and tiny text labels. I admit that the big icons look nice, but that's all they do. They are a freaking box-of-chocolate metaphor (you'll never know what you'll get unless you read the tiny label). A plain list with icons was far more convenient to scan visually and stayed usable when I had several links to the same site (i.e., bookmarks with same fav-icon).

Google has already fixed the same usablity bug in Chrome and iPhone's Safari has its bookmarks in a list, so you know it has to be cool. :-)

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Absolutely, yes!

veeall ( 2015-03-06 23:26:19 +0300 )edit

Thanks for reminding me why I stopped using Sailfish Browser. U11 gave it a facelift but fixed none of the real issues. This bookmark debacle was the last straw that rendered it officially unusable. Long live alternatives like Webcat and WebPirate!

pichlo ( 2015-03-06 23:52:08 +0300 )edit

I approve!

Odorobo ( 2015-03-07 00:37:20 +0300 )edit

I signed up specifically to support this point. List of bookmarks is best idea - please revert back!!!

GaryGibbonGuerilla ( 2015-03-07 08:58:38 +0300 )edit

+1 for reverting. Or better create an config option for that. Maybe there are reasons to have them as icons, but there are even more reasons for having it as a list.

Holger ( 2015-03-07 20:48:54 +0300 )edit