Which famous voices can Jolla hire for differentiated polyglot TTS on Sailfish? [duplicate]
tl;dr For synthetic speech production, there is Festvox. There's also the possibility of harveting audio in a Fair-use way, the same way as, or better than the robot character Bumblebee talks in some of the Transformers movies. It might be a lot more fun, too. Rupal Patel, a real-life implementation champion, has a link, below.
A note to past voters: I'm sorry you can't change your vote if you don't like or agree with the amended Question.
I hope you'll agree that discussions like this are worth continuing. Taking that position, I changed the question to make it relevant as a new direction for discussion. I did this in good faith, not for karma points, in order for further discussion. I reopened it because its content can be relevant to future directions for Sailfish and it is therefore not a closed question IMO. Although we may attend to Questions for only a few minutes at a time, the collective time and energy we put can make Question closure worth handling in a different way, or in a differently considered way. In other words, more like a knitting lesson, less like amputation.
I dislike Duplicate closures - they are a social and marketing choke, mis-wielded, often inappropriate (often enough for their own generalisation) cut-offs, and generalisations of other intentions, fluently articulated or not, on threads that can remain relevant, repositioned to reinvigorate conversation about where Sailfish commerce and its motivated community go next. Not everything he writes, says and does applies, but Edward Tufte and his work in related fields is a good next place to go to inform yourself further about and be able to describe fully the value of rich data displays, in his lectures and presentations on Youtube. Non-Tufte, TJC and TTS-related links are below.
Please leave this Question open so that it can remain with the associated greater potential for continued active discussion.
For example, speech synthesis - also discussed on the older page of the declared, if not actually identical duplicate - can improve the value of the Clock and overall phone UI: to hear a custom reminder or recorded sounds brings significant enhancement, gains for end users and those around them.
It seems spd-say
covers fewer languages, as it is not so long in the tooth seen as Festvox, seen at http://festvox.org/. I also link to Festvox above.
Relevant, established, free, open-source, compatible software:
Related mathematics:
Related presentations:
Related together Questions:
- https://together.jolla.com/question/51564/text-to-speech-tts-service-and-api/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/73399/what-dbus-send-commands-control-clock-calendar-alarm-settings/
- https://together.jolla.com/question/80563/how-can-about-pages-add-value/
A related question, not yet useful to branch off to a separate conversation: what code could Jolla put out or adopt to allow fair-use audio snippet-harvesting from online material, to simulate vocal tones?
Other uses:
- Calendar;
- Game instructions;
- Demo walk-through of any/every phone (or app) feature or use case;
- App ranking by accessibility and completeness;
- Help that doesn't visually get in the way of the thing it is supposed to be helping with;
Please do leave Comments, Answers or edits to the main Question. However, don't vote for this (TTS) Question please - vote for the other one until the Question Duplicate question is resolved, e.g. questions can be merged, or the versioning system's questions, answers comments usage is better guided, as if/when that happens, duplication/branching might be condoned, even celebrated, instead of penalised or used (unintentionally or otherwise), as an bureaucratic choke on discussions that might be thought as similar to others.
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This could also be used for options like "Read caller name out loud". I mean even Symbian phones had that
Bulder ( 2015-03-19 20:17:39 +0200 )editGot my support, as speech interface is the future of ui. And after having been waked with a fanfare I would like to have my schedule read out loudly. I would not be able to sleep for one more second. :)
lakutalo ( 2015-03-29 18:32:57 +0200 )editSee also How to start Youtube In Bed:
rdmo ( 2015-03-29 20:33:33 +0200 )editxdg-open http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=876A3oAOcI0&autoplay=1
[1]. Could put it on a timer in the Fingerterm overnight but that might be a battery drain or the phone might go into a low mode.Interesting slightly-related links:
- http://www.singwise.com/cgi-bin/main.pl?section=articles&doc=AnatomyOfVoice
- http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_voice
- http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speech_synthesis
rdmo ( 2015-04-24 08:10:34 +0200 )editTTS (text-to-speech) should be a standard component (Symbian had it).
objectifnul ( 2015-04-29 20:13:24 +0200 )edit