Where do Android Apps get the SSL certs?
I am trying to get MyOwnNotes (a little notes tool synchronizing with OwnCloud) running. It is an Android App (Yes, I would prefer a native app for this, too. There was one but I can't find a working installation package for it).
MyOwnNotes expects the SSL-cert to be in the local list, either by being signed by a CA or as a copy of my privat CA cert. It works well on my Android tablet, I just installed my cert the canonical Android way. Sailfish OS doesn't seem to have such a GUI, so I tried to copy my cert manually to /etc/ssl/certs and generated a hash like it was suggested in another article here. This is how I did it: ln -s yourcert.pem openssl x509 -hash -noout -in yourcert.pem
.0 Neither my browser nor the MyOwnNotes seems to know about this.
How can I give self signed certs to Sailfish OS and Android apps on it?
Is there any news on this TOPIC? Could somebody clarify the SFOS mess with ssl certs needed by apps and browsers? Sure also the android part ;). Thank you. Kind regards,
megalith ( 2016-03-12 17:49:55 +0200 )edit