Music controls should be more easily accessible after waking. [duplicate]
I'm using my Jolla through AUX as my main music device in car. However skipping songs is extremely hard compared to N9. Some gestures/buttons in first screen after double tap would help a lot.
Also maybe an option for switching songs with volume buttons if screen is off, like for example Someplayer on the N900 has ?
To change volume, you would just double-tap the screen - it would be no longer off and the volume buttons would work as normal.
MartinK ( 2013-12-25 18:18:04 +0200 )In other words, music player controls on the lock screen. Hmm, let's take this idea a step further and make it #unlike. Buttons on the lock screen are too easy to be pressed by accident. The media app (and via the same hypothetic API any app wishing to do so) could advertise to the OS that its cover should appear on the lock screen, too. So you have the cover actions available after unlocking. Tapping the lockscreen app cover has no effect, though. Another app I can think of that could use this feature would be phone.
pycage ( 2013-12-25 18:19:28 +0200 )Controls could be longpress of VolumeRocker too... @pycage what do $users need phone interactions on lock-screen? Incoming calls have no lock-screen... but the idea of having it "cover-action" like sounds good - lock-screen with buttons to press is pretty hard on the N9 but a gesture could make it easy... just the same controls as on the cover. Yeah well anyone could want anything on a lock-screen but what you really need are notifications and media-player controls. Keep it simple and remember the random-user.
chemist ( 2013-12-26 01:14:47 +0200 )It's even more difficult if you wish the phone to autolock (with as security code) after 5 minutes. To one's surprise, there are no metal songs that last less than 5 minutes, so re-typing the security code after each song is extremely annoying. And so is disabling auto-lock everytime you enter the car.
Milo ( 2014-01-28 08:03:54 +0200 )If a port of a decent Android music app (something like PowerAmp) could be made to work with Sailfish - on the Android version you get music controls that are active on the lockscreen.
Failing that, the native music player needs a lot of work
Cosmic_Kakapo ( 2014-01-28 11:20:27 +0200 )