Question: Backup to PC [released]
asked 2014-01-02 20:32:12 +0200

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Backup has been a subject several times, the answer so far was via Terminal commands. In a comment to
I asked already, whether the following procedure without Terminal commands would be possible, but it seems, the comment is not regarded there by someone with sufficient knowledge.
According to answers so far, the backup data are located in folder /home/nemo/.vault. /home/nemo/ is actually the folder I can see in the PC file manager, when I connect the Jolla to the PC using USB and "PC connection" (e.g Windows Explorer, path "Computer\Sailfish\Phone Memory"). Therefore, wouldn't it be sufficient to:
- Using Jolla, create a backup (using the feature provided by |- Settings | System settings | Backup | Create -|).
- Connect Jolla and PC via USB, on the Jolla select "PC connection".
- Copy the .vault folder to the PC (top level in the phone's directory structure as seen from the PC -- this is not root of Sailfish/nemo OS!).
- When needed (i.e. after factory reset), reconnect PC/Jolla and copy the .vault folder from the PC back to the Jolla (again: top level in the phone's directory structure as seen from the PC).
- Disconnect Jolla/PC.
- Using Jolla, restore the backup (using the feature provided by |- Settings | System settings | Backup | section "Restore": Tap date/time of the backup of interest | [Restore] -|).
- Reboot the Jolla.
I do not want to give it a try: If it would fail, too much would be lost already. So:
- Can someone with more system knowledge confirm that the steps above would restore the system to the state it was at backup?
- Does it include all data or only apps and settings?
- Would it be necessary to backup all files and subfolders of /home/nemo/ to PC or remains this folder untouched during factory reset? (Presumable, in general it would make sense to backup this folder completely just to have a backup of the data stored on the phone ...)
- Is it necessary for any step during the procedure above to activate developer mode or even allow for ssh access? (As far as I can see, it should not.)
I've created the backups through Settings -> System -> Backup, but I can't find a folder /home/nemo/.vault. Actually, there isn't a folder named /home even.
Yolla ( 2015-05-05 14:31:35 +0200 )editSame for me today. No .vault visible on the PC with MTP over USB
When I use the "space inspector" app on the phone, .vault contains: .vault/.git/blobs/ and nothing else
Is .vault still the location for the backup files on sailfish 2.0?
find -size +10M on what is visible by MTP over USB does not find anything that looks like the backup files. So I suspect the backup files are in a part of the jolla filesystem that is not visible using MTP over USB?
Where are they?
Most of the point of creating a backup is lost if it is not easy to transfer the backup out of the handset for safe storage elsewhere.
KristianES ( 2015-11-18 20:01:33 +0200 )edit