jolla map tiles are not cached (high mobile data usage)
Hi, over several days I kept Jolla maps app open to cahe the tiles of an area where I commute often, so I can know where I am without eating much data. I did so sacrificing one month of 3G data allowance to download tiles.
I have downloaded for sure the tiles of a 200km trip on three different zoom levels. Data usage about 1,2 -1,5 GB.
Yesterday I opened the maps app and I saw the tiles showing up slowly, first the grey squares and then the map squares. Afeter few minutes I found out it was downloading the same tiles (max zoom level) again, eating up my mobile data (about 50MB or so).
Today I just turned off all internet connections and in fact the map is all grey at the lowest zoom levels.
I am surprised by this, I have plenty of space free on jolla (about 3,5 GB used) and no sdcard. How can I be sure to cache the here maops tiles once for all? Is that a bug?
Before returning the phone for repairs I never had this issue. The tiles were cached and retrieved from cache when I was on the same location.
Thank you
My giess is Jolla cant cache the files because phone would soon encounter the btrfs balance bug.
alloj ( 2015-04-08 10:24:43 +0200 )editOuch... ;-D
lispy ( 2015-04-08 10:37:51 +0200 )editso what should I do? My old jolla (it has been replaced by care) never had filesystem issues ( 2015-04-08 13:33:42 +0200 )editMaybe it help IF you put big sdcard in Jolla?
alloj ( 2015-04-08 14:12:50 +0200 )editI'll just note that modRana caches map tiles by default. :)
MartinK ( 2015-04-08 14:58:22 +0200 )edit