[appeal] More original Jolla TOH - full color range : @Jolla Pls release it! [not relevant]
I want to express my mood by using different TOH´s on some proposals. Also i want to support Jolla by buying original stuff ;-)
Please provide us more TOH´s
Now i found a picture of that what i mean. I the old times of announcement and prototyping there was a fullrange box of TOH. Why is it not possible to buy this?
Edit: No News from @Jolla , no new stuff, nothing!!! TOH is dead, i think.. but WHY?
they don't have a name for it? i help with it, a collector box!! A TOHCB. I want it too. I did already a thread for it, but you have more vote, then more chance to reach the goal!!! ;-)
cemoi71 ( 2015-11-13 10:40:39 +0200 )editmaybe they could do it a la intel. play the music by open the box ! lol
cemoi71 ( 2015-11-13 10:41:52 +0200 )editPhones did not sell (mostly due to too early os); so I guess that's why they are not pushing them anymore. They released the schematics, tho, so whoever should be able to 3d print their own?
tortoisedoc ( 2015-11-13 11:09:08 +0200 )editAgree, it´s negligently to do nothing and for Jolla there is no invest to realise this.. So why?
evo3de ( 2015-11-13 11:15:09 +0200 )editspeculation guys, speculation. i saw all the time last year and begin this one, that the current TOHs was out of stock. People begged all the time for some. I think they have done a good business with it. but it has not the stronger prio. maybe the new hardware firm will do something for the dynamic. But we should still show our interest
cemoi71 ( 2015-11-13 11:40:31 +0200 )edit