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Fix solar charging of Jolla phone with direct solar usb charger

asked 2015-04-10 00:06:36 +0200

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updated 2015-04-28 20:29:58 +0200

m_josenhans gravatar image

When the Jolla phone is attached to a solar direct charger, instead of the phone being charged, the phone discharges but even much faster (perceived >10 times faster) than without any charger.

It may be the case, that when the phone is charged, the phone assumes that it is charged always with a with 5V and a current of e.g. 1.0 A. A (small) solar direct charger will not be capable to provide such a high current.

It seems that the Sailfish OS does not go into sleep mode, if any charger is detected. Perhaps the phone needs to continually calculate the battery status.

Related Jolla bug: 50ma lost during toh charging


  1. Is the Sailfish OS battery management implemented in hardware or software?
  2. If the battery management is implemented in software: Is it implemented in such a manner that it needs to continually look-up the charging status and needs to keep the Sailfish OS continually awake and thus causing the power burned by a much higher rate than without charger?
  3. Will fixing this power management bug in Sailfish OS also reduce the charging time, when charged with a 120V/ 220V based USB charger?
  4. How does the Sailfish OS detect an active charger? (The charging icon seems to have a different detection barrier, than leaving the sleep mode.)

Here is the solar direct charger I have tested (without Sonnenrepublik power booster cable or external power bank): link: Sonnenrepublik - ClicSwing

Please provide feedback.

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The technical details given are pretty poor by the web site (Sonnenrepublik - ClicSwing) :-(

But anyway it is a common problem with this direct chargers, that instead of charging the phone, the phone battery is discharged over the solar cell (which heats up). This happens whenever the solar power is not enough, 'coz the direct sunlight is to little. The most common case is that the very low charging current will wake up the phone. After woked up the phone power consumtion is higher that the supplied current. Then the phone stays in charge mode but get actually discharged.

Vieno ( 2015-04-10 16:30:11 +0200 )edit

The solar cells are definitely not heating up. It is more likely, that when the phone is connected to a charger it does not go into sleep mode and thus significantly increases the battery drain without need. Thus it is a phone software bug - not a direct charger problem.

m_josenhans ( 2015-04-10 17:16:03 +0200 )edit

My experience is that a power bank between solar cells and a cellular phone or other device to recharge is really necessary. Power banks are designed to do that, se for example http://www.sistech.com/.

Jolla-be really different ( 2015-04-10 23:40:49 +0200 )edit

i've noticed the same issue with my SolarTOH, battery decharge is accelerated. haven't tested with full direct sunlight yet, but on a semi-sunny day it doesn't recharge, only decharge.

MikaN ( 2015-04-11 11:41:04 +0200 )edit

Using a power bank is just a workaround to the problem. When connected to a charger, the phone should not consume so much power in first place, but charge while mostly remaining in sleep mode. Then a power bank is not needed at all.

m_josenhans ( 2015-04-11 12:09:57 +0200 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2015-04-27 11:48:33 +0200

Philippe De Swert gravatar image

Let's make things clear to avoid misconceptions and misunderstandings

  1. The phone never assumes the charger is always 5V at 1A
  2. Battery management is partly done in hardware and software, however the controlling part is software 3.There is no power management bug as the one you suggest
  3. Software charging management means the phone cannot sleep and thus needs more power.
  4. Due to charging the phone will not sleep and thus when a charger is connected that does not supply sufficient current it will effectively discharge. Although not at a higher rate than without a charger. It might seem like that since the charging keeps the phone active
  5. That the phone cannot suspend fully to process charging events is not a bug and cannot be fixed unless swapping the charging chip gets swapped out.
  6. There are two ways how charging gets detected. One is through normal USB negotiation, the second one when the charging chip recognizes there is 5V on its power input pins

So unfortunately unless you can find a solar panel that delivers more current than the phone would be using in its charging state you will not get any big benefit from it.

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Asked: 2015-04-10 00:06:36 +0200

Seen: 1,402 times

Last updated: Apr 28 '15