[Request] Please modify Calendar view / design [duplicate]
Hi there,
I know that there are plenty of threads already started about that topic, but since update after update is released without having changed a bit, I want to start a discussion about essential changes in the Calendar layout.
I think everyone who is in need of using Calendar regularly is facing the problem, that the current month-view is not useful at all: you just see the dates and if there is a little white bar beneath it or not. No colors according to the different calendars, no preview of the appointments/ events, no week-view ... so when you open the calendar app you dont have a useful overview to your scedule, and that is essential for a calendar-app, isn't it?
For my own purposes I cannot use the native app, and I'm not a "heavy-user".
Please report your wanted changes for the design here and vote for it!
Edit: Question was closed with reason "duplicate question" without a link to the duplicated question. Such a link should always be provided.
Forget about the colours, I want to see at least the days of week without the pulley up :( I can't afford to use patchmanager for it.
Rosemary ( 2015-04-25 19:20:19 +0200 )editI totally agree with Jolkas' idea. Would be nice to have some different colour for different events. And to see the name of the weekday on top line. Also to give the days of the weekend a slightly different background-colour. :-)
mayyoo ( 2015-04-25 20:15:36 +0200 )editI want the cover for calendar modified as well, as stated here:
Aashish ( 2015-04-25 20:32:10 +0200 )editActually the "calendar" should look like a real calendar, not like a grid of numbers. Not a futuristic look, but ease of use should be the goal. Please, Jolla, assign some resources to it! It's one of the core apps of a smartphone! Look here how efficient 320x480 pixels can be used! Maybe Pimlico can even develop a calendar for Jolla?
Stefanix ( 2015-04-26 10:54:22 +0200 )editOutput Calendar data as HTML with extensive use of ID, class and other useful attributes. Enable reference to a CSS file on the local device so the user can take charge of their data more readily. Integrate d3js, too, specifically d3cal.
rdmo ( 2015-04-26 13:50:17 +0200 )edit