Jolla owncloud or debian linux sync
I'm searching a way to synchronize addressbooks and calendar entry between my computer debian 7 OS PC and jolla phone (sailfish OS
- I have a Owncloud ownCloud 8.0.3 (stable) on on a debian 7 OS PC
- I used both on jolla syncevolution and the jolla webdav account to do ownCloud sync : no success
- I tried jolla communicator_1.0.6-1_all.deb but the entire addressbook did not appear only my name
- Exporting files with K addressbook works but takes time...and is not automatic
Is there any tutorial or way to do such a synchronization ?
Does adding a "Generic CalDAV / CardDAV account" via Settings | Accounts not work? You can probably use an IP address as the server url, if it doesn't change. To manually sync the account, longpress on it in the accounts list view, and select sync.
To get logs from CardDAV, you can do:
then different terminal:
You should then get some decent debugging from it. Note that currently, self-signed SSL certs are NOT supported in CardDAV (that bug was fixed recently and will be released in an upcoming update) which might cause issues for you at the moment.
Cheers, Chris.
chris.adams ( 2015-05-07 05:01:32 +0200 )editCardDAV: Unfortunately broken. Might be a fix in this thread but I have not tried it myself.
CalDAV: Works, but there is an bug (summer time related) that messes up your calendar if you add/edit an entry from your phone. See this thread , also I had to set the events time 1 hour earlier for them to appear correctly.
Webdav/Files: Use the app from Jolla store (automatic photo upload plugin is available in Warehouse).
joakknut ( 2015-05-07 09:21:00 +0200 )editGeneric CalDAV and CardDAV work fine for me with this update. I have owncloud installed to server.tld/owncloud, I made server.tld/.well-known/carddav and server.tld/.well-known/caldav to redirect to server.tld/owncloud/remote.php/carddav and server.tld/owncloud/remote.php/caldav respectively, and entered only server address in account creation as server.tld (or maybe http://server.tld). Didn't try https, however.
trminator ( 2015-05-07 21:29:23 +0200 )editYou're server use the ip, right? If so, you know that you can with this ip adress only access the server in the internal network. So you can only use it if you use the wlan at your home.
heubergen ( 2015-05-08 16:58:25 +0200 )edit