How do I submit my Ambience to the Jolla Store?
How do you go about submitting an ambiance to the Jolla Store?
I would like to create my own ambience but do not know how to do this?
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How do you go about submitting an ambiance to the Jolla Store?
I would like to create my own ambience but do not know how to do this?
I tried to submit my own Ambience to Harbour. It was rejected, stating that there are no plans, as of yet, to have an ambience section on Jolla Store. This was 5 months ago.
Hello Mark - Thank you for submitting an application to Harbour. After reviewing your app, I regret to inform you that I have to reject it. Currently we do not support any 3rd-party ambiances in our Store. We are looking for ways to allow this in future, but I cannot give you any estimations.
Unless things have changed since, I don't know. Perhaps it was partly due to the fact I have no created an actual TOH or nfc tag, just a plain black and white ambience.
Im guessing there are some on there though as people must have created ambiences linked to their own created TOH's? Cheers.
HaydGately ( 2015-06-06 19:52:05 +0200 )editNo, there are NO user created ambiences on Jolla Store. You will find some on Openrepos, but not Jolla Store.
Spam Hunter ( 2015-06-06 19:55:03 +0200 )editSo you can't link an ambience to an NFC tag then! TOH SDK states it triggers a download from the Jolla Store. This is awful, the whole concept therefore doesn't work?
HaydGately ( 2015-06-06 20:01:48 +0200 )editGood question. I haven't tried with tags. Of course the concept works, it's exactly how it works with an official TOH from Jolla, you snap it on your phone with a valid internet connection and an account with Jolla, your TOH (the tag) triggers the download - I'm sure you understand that anyway, but Jolla Store is not (for now) accepting Ambience/TOH creations created by END USERS - I assume they are looking for actual BUSINESS PARTNERS to develop new TOH ideas, like Rovio and Angry Birds or this clothing company from Finland called Makia.
Or, perhaps I misunderstand the whole concept as well, but I see where you are coming from also.
Spam Hunter ( 2015-06-06 20:43:18 +0200 )edit@HaydGately - it also seems that Jolla will no longer be designing/creating any more hardware, it seems they have already decided that software (SailfishOS) is all they will be concentrating on. So in effect, I see no further development regarding the TOH's.
Perhaps the next manufacturer of the hardware, may incorporate the TOH as part of its design but I wouldn't hold your breath. This is of course, pure speculation on some fronts and some of it is personal opinion. See this article from jollablogspot;
Spam Hunter ( 2015-06-07 23:35:08 +0200 )editkimmoli's
and good to read
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Asked: 2015-06-06 18:52:20 +0200
Seen: 299 times
Last updated: Jun 06 '15
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