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Bug reports posted as answers

asked 2015-06-14 01:53:55 +0200

simo gravatar image

updated 2015-08-25 14:36:49 +0200

Announcements (in this case, release notes) have started to gather bug reports and feature requests as answers.

Makes no sense. I think we should keep up with the familiar system, having one new question for each separate issue. What can we do to fix it, and prevent it from happening in the future? Or should it be acceptable, changing the way to sail here?

Added a bug-tag too, even that this bug is within us here :) Remove if incorrect

Related guideline: https://together.jolla.com/question/4389/together-howto-question-answer-and-comment/?answer=4393#post-id-4393

Update: This is happening again after 1.1.7. with already 30 answers there, could something be done?

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sorry, deleted my post and renew as bug

evo3de ( 2015-07-15 17:55:10 +0200 )edit

In my opinion thats a design problem of this system in the following ways. In this assumption I remove really wrong posted release anwsers that are just unrelated and should be bug posts.

  • They create similar official public / non public release posts
  • There are no attributes to put and filter a sailfish version the bug was found / is sticking to
  • If you find distribution / very related problems to a released version its just too obvious to create a answer on this release than create an unrelated bug post
  • We as users don't have a feel how jolla handles this system though we feel forced in creating sticky/related answers. Thats also a lack of response. I can speak from myself many times where I had to decide how and where I post stuff. Just now on a response to the non public release problems i felt forced to create an answer there.
CLR64 ( 2015-08-25 16:46:05 +0200 )edit

We as users don't have a feel how jolla handles this system though we feel forced in creating sticky/related answers. Thats also a lack of response.


pichlo ( 2015-10-25 00:59:33 +0200 )edit

3 Answers

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answered 2015-07-29 15:20:02 +0200

simo gravatar image

Maybe adding "This is official announcement, please don't answer" into the very beginning of release notes would solve the situation?

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I think so too.

nick75 ( 2015-07-29 17:35:58 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-07-15 19:53:58 +0200

rudi gravatar image

updated 2015-07-15 19:54:31 +0200

maybe it's a good idea to open a third question ( beneath release notes and change log) for every release for general installation problems, like space-problems, openrepos discussions,..
bugs could be easier identified and separated to own questions
and release notes stay "clean"

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This is actually not a bad idea, then we could have something like:

  1. Release notes
  2. Changelog
  3. Release issues (or something)

Just a thought. :)

raketti ( 2015-07-17 10:07:34 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-10-24 23:38:21 +0200

liqquid gravatar image


I noticed a problem with the sw. When I get 1 or more sms from one person and I open from pop-up or from the events view, the messages screen opens but I just see the name of the sender, and the messages are blank, I don't see both the old messages and the new too... Then I go back to the main message screen I again see the new message, and If I open that normal (not from the events screen) , it working properly...

So far I've noticed just this mistakes.


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Did you read the thread title?

pichlo ( 2015-10-25 00:57:38 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2015-06-14 01:53:55 +0200

Seen: 1,301 times

Last updated: Oct 24 '15