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1.1.6/Aaslakkajärvi Problem with importing .ics files

asked 2015-06-15 18:32:29 +0200

AkiBerlin gravatar image

updated 2015-06-16 15:27:51 +0200

Maybe it is just me: I tried to import an .ics file i created with my N900 in order to "synchronize" (I know, it is no synch) the Jolla calendar with the N900.

I transfered the .ics file to the jolla and clicked on it in settings->system->transfers The calendar opened and asked me whether I want to import. I accepted and the Jolla made a nice sound, confirmed that the calendar was imported but: there is no entry in my Jolla calendar.

Did I miss something?

EDIT: apparently it is a bug. I have retagged and retitled the question

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I have exported 30 days of may outlook calendar as a single ics file and updated my jolla to, but... 1. i got no entry in settings->system for transfering/importing calendar entries 2. i tried with the file explorer and opened up my ics file and i got my calendar entries displayed (!) BUT after pressing the "import" button i had (still) an empty calendar! So a little different situation but still the same bad result.

Please help/bugfix!

EDIT: if found out that if i extract some calendar entries (vevents) from the ics-file and save them as a new one then the import (via file explorer and open command) really works! So there are some commands or options in the ics-file from MS Outlook 2013 that seem to crash the import of the complete ics file (for calendar entries for the next 30 days).

EDIT 18.06.2015: I found out that the following line (in birthday entries) in ICS-Files (created by MS Outllok 2013) can't be processed by the Jolla calendar import feature: RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;COUNT=1;BYMONTHDAY=23;BYMONTH=6 If i delete those entries then i can import all calendar entries in my ICS-File (including lots of entries for 30 days in total).

In addition the time zone entries in the ICS-files (created by MS Outlook 2013) are not processed correctly because they lead to wrong times in my imported calendar entries (+1 hour). If i delete those timezone entries, the imported calendar entries have the correct times. Example: BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:W. Europe Standard Time BEGIN:STANDARD DTSTART:20151025T030000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYDAY=-1SU;BYMONTH=10 TZOFFSETFROM:+0200 TZOFFSETTO:+0100 END:STANDARD BEGIN:DAYLIGHT DTSTART:20150329T020000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYDAY=-1SU;BYMONTH=3 TZOFFSETFROM:+0100 TZOFFSETTO:+0200 END:DAYLIGHT END:VTIMEZONE

Atran_Beluc ( 2015-06-15 22:11:13 +0200 )edit

I tried to add a railway travel to my calendar (an ics-file from www.vr.fi buyed ticet sent by email). The behaviour seems to be like explained in the bug report. Not able yet to check the reason for that. The sailfishos version is Björnträsket.

Rikujolla ( 2015-09-02 17:28:04 +0200 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2015-06-18 13:49:15 +0200

Dragomir gravatar image

i sent myself an email from my mac calendar with an attached single .ics file (single appointment). opened the email and the attachment from my jolla email app and it imported it easely into my jolla celandar. multiple appointment .ics files don't work - you always sees only the first appointment/entry. i have this problem when trying to sync my work calendar from the icloud via caldav and got the clue on togetge.jolla that it can't read the.ics calendar. but now a single ics file worked through opening an attached .ics file

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Thank you for clarification. This means that calendar's ability to import ics entries is only of very limited use, because it is not feasible to import entries one by one. A little bit disappointing. Hopefully the present status quo is just a first step.

AkiBerlin ( 2015-06-18 17:38:06 +0200 )edit

ijust noticed, when i import the .ics fire it also turns it one hour later, like the long known issue, so be carefull when importing appointments ;)

Dragomir ( 2015-06-22 12:54:59 +0200 )edit

Not sure if related, but surely partly similar: I wanted to import a single calendar entry first time after update to It was suppoed to come to my google calendar but arrived to another one I subscribe to (work calendar, Exchange server). It was also registered as an 'all day' appointment, the times on that day were neglected.

Cary Grant ( 2015-09-27 19:36:57 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2015-06-15 18:32:29 +0200

Seen: 432 times

Last updated: Jun 18 '15