[bug] timer not shown on cover [not relevant]
Timer Countdown is not always showing on cover anymore. Set alarm is shown.
edit: when timer is not showing, preset (set before app was started) timers start with -47sec and do nothing at first.
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Timer Countdown is not always showing on cover anymore. Set alarm is shown.
edit: when timer is not showing, preset (set before app was started) timers start with -47sec and do nothing at first.
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Asked: 2014-01-03 20:37:03 +0200
Seen: 125 times
Last updated: Feb 26 '14
[Fixed in] Crash when linking contacts? [not relevant]
[Implemented in] Email: Honour Reply-To header [answered]
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probably related to this
raa70 ( 2014-01-03 20:50:06 +0200 )editThis issue was fixed in Do you still get timers with negative duration in
PMG ( 2014-02-26 14:19:46 +0200 )edit