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[wiki, general question/discussion] Design from Nokia N950 as next Jolla

asked 2015-06-18 00:29:48 +0200

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updated 2015-06-18 00:29:48 +0200

M.Bln. gravatar image

I often read about nostalgic "love" about the old Nokia N900/N9 or especially the N950 with hardware keyboard. (if you dont know what the N950 looks like see: https://wiki.maemo.org/Nokia_N950 or https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nokia_N950)

I know that Jolla wont develop hardware extensions like TOHs and therefore we have this kickstarter campaign for the TOHKBD: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2028347278/tohkbd-the-other-half-keyboard-for-your-jolla That's a great project but even though its not the same as a fully integrated hardware keyboard.

So I thought about what it would cost (financially as well as organisational/logistically) to get a licence to re-engineer the N950 with modern chips, say as Jolla version 2 or 3?

@Jolla: could this be a possibility to design another Jolla-phone?

@all: how much would you love such a re-engineered "J950" ;-) and do you think there is an existing/growing market for?

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2 Answers

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answered 2015-06-19 09:30:39 +0200

bilgy_no1 gravatar image

updated 2015-06-19 12:17:00 +0200

Personally, I'm not interested anymore in hardware keyboard phones. The last one I used was the Desire Z from HTC, which was thick and heavy. I used the keyboard much less than I thought when I bought it.

A 'reworked' design of a phone that old is not a good idea. It was made years ago for components available at the time, and the design would restrict the choices too much. E.g. the screen is 4" and in that size there are no standard high quality components available. I also think that the design team would have to start all over anyway, so why have more limitations than necessary?

Jolla are focusing on the platform. A showcase device should either be cheap (BQ ubuntu phones, or the Firefox OS phones) or good value (Xiaomi ubuntu phone), but should not distract Jolla from the main challenges. These days there are so many great partners that focus on hardware, it makes a lot of sense for Jolla to work with them.

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I do see also the need of a new start for the electronic / inner part of the phone. But from a costumer point of view I don't care about the inner components (at least not the way they are composed). As a user I see the N950 just as a handy phone with a nice design and a good haptic experience. And therefor I think there would be a market still today.

And there are always limitations. In my eyes it depends on the way of development what limitations you have: You can set the 'outer limitations' first because you expect a market for a special design OR you can set 'inner limitations' first because you plan to build a phone with special components...

M.Bln. ( 2015-06-19 11:24:49 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-06-18 01:19:29 +0200

chemist gravatar image

You could just make a kbd-sandwich Jolla from the current Jolla1 design, most of the WOOHOO about N950s are about the keyboard (and its slider mechanism). The Jolla design is unique and should stay that way or it will jst look like a Microsoft Lumia copycat.

There is an existing market, Jolla Fanboyz and geeks will love a Jolla with hardware keyboard, look at the TOHKBD kickstarter you linked, that is at least one part of the market and I guess lots more people will jump on to a proper kbd device!

Jolla1 -> pimped to a sandwich flip-up kbd like N950 -> shut up and take my money!

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On the tohkbd site it states that its out of stock permanently. only gonna be a possibility for people who didnt miss out :(

totex ( 2015-06-18 01:37:40 +0200 )edit

I also love the idea of the TOHKBD and it was one of the reasons why I bought the Jolla in the first place. The ideas of TOH were catching me always.

BUT: I think we can all agree that a factory made part from a plant with high output usually has a better build quality then man made parts which are then even more cost intensive.

Jolla should in my eyes jump on this solution and help the developers of the TOHKBD to transfer it into a real product. Something like "approved by Jolla" or "Certified by Jolla" with some quality standards that relate to the built quality of the phone.

PatsJolla ( 2015-06-18 14:30:45 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2015-06-18 00:29:48 +0200

Seen: 508 times

Last updated: Jun 19 '15