2015-06-18 12:27:49 +0200
4384 ●51 ●61 ●63
There are issues with Jolla's file system (mostly) not because it's the wrong choice of technology but because the FS tries to solve complicated problems. There are quite a few unique challenges in setting up a phone storage stack. This is by a large part because the Jolla Phone, at the end of the day, is an embedded system that needs to function w/o any regular, capable manual maintenance (contrary to e.g. a server system). While it may be argued that the current situation is not quite up to this goal, I also think that, with a better understanding of BTRFS, we're getting there.
Consequently, there are some quite advanced features in BTRFS that are lacking in EXT4. For instance, you would instantly lose device backup functionality as well as the "reset to factory firmware" - those rely on BTRFS features which you would have to add manually around EXT4. And while I'm not saying that this is impossible (e.g. LVM could do this for you, in a way) I don't see the value in switching one complicated stack for another complicated stack we have no experience with.
While we're at it, I think a better way to handle Jolla FS problems is to focus on back-porting more recent BTRFS releases to the Jolla kernel.