Feature-request: Fine-tune cursor position while text-editing [answered]
Could we have a way to fine-tune the cursor position after I tap on the spot (more-or-less) which I want to edit? I currently often miss my mark by a couple of letters or a line, and end up re-typing more text than I would need to.
already requested with left and right arrow on virtual keyboard
redge73 ( 2014-01-03 22:15:39 +0200 )editNo, arrows suck on any touch devices and are not necessary. Please avoid putting arrows into VKBs. Only reasonable application having arrows is terminal and arrows are already there.
lomo ( 2014-01-03 22:59:17 +0200 )editI agree that arrows would be very helpful. there are a lot of instances where you need to move the cursor by just one tiny narrow character. arrow keys are the easiest, most fool-proof way to do that. request for arrow keys is here: https://together.jolla.com/question/4069/del-and-cursor-arrows-on-keyboard-are-needed-essential/
bennypr0fane ( 2014-01-16 15:32:37 +0200 )edit