Disable showing of status area when accessing home screen [not relevant]
Please add an option to disable the animation of showing status area when accessing home screen. Currently when swiping left/right from an application or from bottom in the notification screen to get to the home screen, we can see the status area and just part of covers of running applications. After the gesture is finished, an animation starts and status area is pushed above the screen and the home screen is displayed.
I do really find this animation annoying, since it's displayed every time when accessing home screen. Information from the status bar can be quickly accessed by pulling the home screen down.
True, small part of the bottom row covers is not visible, I haven't noticed this before.
I like that the status area is shown while peeking the home screen, at least for me it is usually the status area I'm peeking for, not the covers. It looks like both, the status area and all the covers in full, would fit to the screen if there was a little less space abobe and below the clock or if the clock was a little bit smaller.
TemeV ( 2014-01-04 00:20:20 +0200 )editI actually like this feature, because I can easily check the the time, network and battery information.
hana ( 2014-01-04 00:57:32 +0200 )editI prefer this to be a configurable option, but it's annoying for me. Especially if you really need to switch between applications fast. Current user experience is mixed for me, since the first animation is fade to status+part of homescreen and the push animation to full homescreen. That's too much.
lomo ( 2014-01-04 01:07:00 +0200 )edit