Browser: don't stop playback when switching tab
All Finnish web radios are at and they don't have native Sailfish app, so I added it as bookmark and then added the bookmark to app launcher, however there are two issues:
- When I open another browser tab, the playback stops until I move to the tab again.
If I click some link in another app (IRC/Communi Sailfish), the browser opens that link over the active tab meaning
Both are very annoying, I think there may be reasons for 1. but I can think of another use case where the playback is wanted to continue for example listening music from youtube/youtify. 2. I think must be a bug.
Update: I was told that there was already thread about 2. which I didn't find because of wrong keywords.
Good point if it is the desired behaviour. If not, it could easily lead to heavy battery drain. So it should be an optional feature anyway.
lakutalo ( 2015-07-06 10:33:12 +0200 )edit