Develop application using standard Qt modules
Hi all, I'm starting a Qt Quick application for Sailfish but I also want my app to be buildable for Android and Linux PC so I need to avoid all the Silica part etc...
I used standard QtCreator to create a new QtQuick project next I opened the project using QtCreator from Sailfish SDK. It seems to build using "MerSDK-SailfishOS-i486" kit but I can't deploy to the emulator receiving the following last lines:
23:09:18: Starting: "/home/luca/.config/SailfishBeta4/mer-sdk-tools/MerSDK/SailfishOS-i486/deploy" --rsync Fatal: No spec file found in '/home/src1//discovery2/rpm/' and couldn't make one from a yaml #1
It's clear it need some other config file but I can't find what file it need.
Is it possible to do what I'm trying to do?
EDIT (16/07/2015) : I love Qt because I can PORT my existing application to a lot of platform without the need to know too much programming languages. Unfortunatelly I have a QtQuick application that build on Linux PC and Android phone but I can't build it on Sailfish (!?!?!). This is what I didn't expect from Jolla !!!!
EDIT2 (17/07/2015) : My QML application start with:
import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 1.1
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.1
import Qt.labs.settings 1.0
ApplicationWindow {
id: application
visible: true
Sailfish OS haven't the required modules. I expected from Sailfish OS to don't encounter that kind of problem, that's why I bought my Jolla....
I think it is possible to do what you want to do, but I have to wonder whether it is worth it. Qt on Sailfish provides full access to the UI, letting you use the pulley menu system, the paging system, the covers, the resolution-independence, etc. Qt on Android, on the other hand, provides very little: No support for activities. No support for the action bar. Very limited support for themes (this was improved slightly in the most recent release). You're basically given a box in the middle of the screen for your app, and you have to do all the work of managing your app by yourself in that little box.
Honestly, given the lack of Android support, I would hate to have to create a lowest-common-denominator UI based around it. Much better to make the back-end of the app portable between systems, but create different front-ends for Sailfish and Android.
Copernicus ( 2015-07-08 00:58:22 +0200 )editSure, but my app doesn't require a lot of cool graphics and I need it to be the same on every platform. To do that I'd like to "use" the power of Qt.
Luca ( 2015-07-08 10:22:14 +0200 )editQuite many people couldn't care less about "full access to the UI", but prefer portable, long term techniques. One-offs that are thrown away causing apps to be rewritten completely unnecessarily are not good for the industry, the developers or the users (why are the so few apps? Why weren't all old Qt apps ported to Jolla? Indeed.)
mvuori ( 2015-07-08 10:53:26 +0200 )editI guess what I'm saying is not that you shouldn't try to create a cross-platform UI in Qt; my problem is just that Qt doesn't quite deliver all the same features on all targets. Limiting your UI to just what works for Qt on Android will mean you're going to have a very constrained UI on all platforms. :(
Copernicus ( 2015-07-08 14:49:33 +0200 )edit@Luca, come to #sailfishos on and we can work through it. Simply saying 'why it no work' doesn't lead to results
r0kk3rz ( 2015-07-17 10:48:35 +0200 )edit