Porting Sailfish OS to Xperia Z3 Compact
I'm a computer science student, and I'm curious about dipping my feet into OS development...
I found the "Sailfish OS Hardware Adaptation Development Kit Documentation" PDF and am thinking about attempting to port it over to my Xperia Z3 Compact as I am completely bored with android Lollipop (never has been my fav OS anyway).
I have a few questions...
If I port this, and an update is released, will I have to re-port every new build, or can I just update it via "software update" on the phone?
Are you guys (Jolla) in the process of porting the Sailfish OS to the Xperia Z line?
If so, then I may just wait for you to do that, and also if so, is there a timeline of when that should be available?
Good luck, an Xperia Z with SailfishOS would be my dream phone ..
Pim ( 2015-07-16 18:20:24 +0200 )edit