[changelog] 1.1.7 / Björnträsket [released]
This is the long changelog for 1.1.7, split off from the main release notes post to keep it short. Big parts of this changelog are only interesting for developers.
- PackageKit
- aliendalvik 0.17.15-2
- ambient-icons-closed
- apkd
- as-daemon
- binutils
- bluez
- boost
- buteo-sync-plugin-caldav
- buteo-sync-plugin-carddav
- ca-certificates
- commhistory-daemon
- connman
- contactsd
- crash-reporter
- csd
- cups
- curl
- declarative-transferengine-qt5
- droid-system-sbj
- dsme
- e2fsprogs
- elfutils
- embedlite-components-qt5
- gcc
- glibc
- gnutls
- gstreamer1.0-libav
- gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad
- gstreamer1.0-plugins-good
- hybris-libsensorfw-qt5
- jolla-calendar
- jolla-common-configurations
- jolla-email
- jolla-keyboard
- jolla-mediaplayer
- jolla-settings
- jolla-settings-accounts
- jolla-settings-networking
- jolla-settings-sailfishos
- jolla-settings-system
- jolla-signon-ui
- jolla-startupwizard
- libaudioresource
- libcommhistory-qt5
- libherepositioning
- libjollasignonuiservice-qt5
- libngf-qt5
- libsndfile
- libsocialcache
- libtasn1
- lipstick-jolla-home-qt5
- lipstick-qt5
- m4
- mapplauncherd-privileges-jolla
- mce
- mce-headers
- meego-rpm-config
- nemo-qml-plugin-calendar-qt5
- nemo-qml-plugin-email-qt5
- nemo-qml-plugin-systemsettings
- nemo-qml-plugin-time-qt5
- nemo-transferengine-qt5
- ngfd
- nss
- ofono
- oneshot
- poppler
- ppl
- pulseaudio
- pulseaudio-modules-nemo
- python-magic
- qemu-usermode
- qemu-usermode-static
- qmf-activesync-plugin
- qmf-notifications-plugin
- qmf-qt5
- qt5-qtwayland-wayland_egl
- qtcontacts-sqlite-qt5
- sailfish-browser
- sailfish-btrfs-balancer
- sailfish-ca
- sailfish-components-accounts-qt5
- sailfish-components-bluetooth-qt5
- sailfish-components-contacts-qt5
- sailfish-components-gallery-qt5
- sailfish-components-store
- sailfish-maps
- sailfish-version
- sailfishsilica-qt5
- sbj-configs
- sbj-wlan
- sensorfw-qt5
- sfmf
- sociald
- ssu-repos
- statefs-providers
- store-client
- telepathy-ring
- tracker
- usb-moded
- virtualbox
- voicecall-qt5
- voicecall-ui-jolla
- wpa_supplicant
- xkeyboard-config
- xulrunner-qt5
- p11-kit
- [zypp] Force an implicit cache refresh before checking the size of a dist upgrade.
[zypp] Use libzypp arch compatibility check
aliendalvik 0.17.15-2
Upgrade OpenSSL from 1.0.1k to 1.0.1m.
- Fix the broken death notification of alien.settings service.
- Disable IME hint icon and don't handle back key when IME displayed.
- Do not reserve height of input view before showing native IME.
- No need to remove dalvik-cache when upgrading Alien.
- Support silent apk installation.
- Upgrade OpenSSL from 1.0.1j to 1.0.1k.
- Alien dalvik clock runs faster than system clock.
- Update to Toolchain 4.8.
- Add apkd-android-settings to Requires.
- Remove incorrect requires from aliendalvik.spec
- Refactor the kill-background-app support.
- Ensure only NativeContactSyncService can write contacts.
- Avoid deleting native contacts unexpectedly due to system accounts change.
Alien should check file is accessible in scanning.
[ambient-icons-closed] Leave the old z1.5 package as is and add a new one that's optimized for large screens.
- [ambient-icons-closed] Use icon category based scaling for z1.5.
[ambient-icons-closed] icon-launcher-mediaplayer updated to SVG.
[base-apkd] Support android settings pages.
- [launcher] Set ALIEN_ID
[install] Request ACL start on install
[cleanup] Remove unused QtConnectionManager::isFlightMode
- [cleanup] Use mce via D-Bus instead of QmDeviceMode
- [eas] Collect id of matched search messages after adding them to DB.
[systemd] Start as-daemon only after all accounts checks.
Fixes CVE-2014-8737, CVE-2014-8504, CVE-2014-8503, CVE-2014-8502,CVE-2014-8501, CVE-2014-8485 and CVE-2014-8484
- Trivial changelog fixes MER#888
- Update to 2.24 and add aarch64 port.
- Enable the -plugin option.
Add LD_AS_NEEDED environment variable
[bluez] Create audio subsystem wakelock
- [bluez] Ensure device stays awake during HFP operation MER#989
- [bluez] Wakelock API
- [bluez] Wakelock-protect headset D-Bus calls which may cause BT traffic
- [bluez] Wakelock-protect incoming connections and data
- [bluez] Wakelock-protect MediaTransport D-Bus API
- [bluez] Wakelock-protect telephony-ofono D-Bus handlers
- [bluez] Add AVDTP device service heuristics. Fixes MER#985.
- [bluez] Rework nemomobile keepalive usage. Fixes MER#1017.
- [bluez] Use nemomobile keepalive for wakelocks. Fixes MER#1017
[bluez] Ring indicator fix for connecting devices. Fixes MER#1008.
Disable build of context and coroutine libraries on non-x86 arches
Fix int64_t detection in cstdint.hpp header file
[buteo-sync-plugin-caldav] Ensure we compare correct events. Contributes to MER#987
- [buteo-sync-plugin-caldav] Fix support for non-Latin1 characters. Contributes to MER#982
- [buteo-sync-plugin-caldav] Handle spaces in calendar paths. Contributes to MER#982
- [buteo-sync-plugin-caldav] Improve AllDay event handling. Contributes to MER#987
- [caldav] Remove libsocialcache usage. Contributes to MER#916
- [buteo-sync-plugin-caldav] Bump release version for upgrade-1.1.7 again. Contributes to MER#1044
[buteo-sync-plugin-caldav] Use try-restart in %post. Contributes to MER#1044
[buteo-sync-plugin-carddav] Skip path discovery if addressbook home path is given. Contributes to MER#957
- [carddav] Improve delta detection. Contributes to MER#941
- [carddav] Improve error handling. Contributes to MER#941
- [buteo-sync-plugin-carddav] Bump release version for upgrade-1.1.7 again. Contributes to MER#1044
[buteo-sync-plugin-carddav] Use try-restart in %post. Contributes to MER#1044
Update to latest upstream ca-certificates and use p11-kit. MER#948
[commhistory-daemon] Do not group messaging notifications. Contributes to MER#1003
- [commhistory-daemon] Suppress feedback from group notification. Contributes to MER#940
- [commhistory-daemon] Use specific categories for different message types
- [commhistory-daemon] Move notification grouping changes to feature branch. Contributes to MER#1023
[commhistory-daemon] Update group notification timestamps correctly. Contributes to MER#923
[connman] Fix crash in modem_update_interfaces. Fixes MER#942
- [connman] revert disabling scanning while associating. MER#955
- [connman] wifi: disconnect if wpa_s state changes from completed to scanning. MER#930
- [connman] wifi: disconnect if 4way-handshake fails while roaming. MER#930
- [connman] wifi: disconnect if connections seems to be stuck. MER#930
- [connman] Added configurable DontBringDownAtStartup list
[connman] USB tethering plugin
[contactsd] Report unknown presence for disabled account. Contributes to MER#996
[contactsd] Bump release version again. Contributes to MER#1044
[crash-reporter] Avoid PageStack.push warning when pending uploads screen is entered
- [crash-reporter] Use horizontalPageMargin instead of paddingLarge for edge margins. Fixes MER#963
[crash-reporter] Update notification properties. Contributes to MER#1006
[csd] Wi-Fi test should not remove an existing network from the list of known networks.
- [csd] Restore LED state after LED test.
- [csd] Make state of the GPS test easier to understand.
- [LcdBacklig] Fix background not changing properly when test ends.
- [battery] make test section visible only if data is available
- [csd] Don't animate disclaimer page transition on start-up
- [qml] add reusable pass/fail result label
- [wifi] Pause wifi test timeout while connection is being selected, and show timeout countdown.
- [wifi] Use standard connection selector and use QML states instead of bool properties for state change handling.
- [audio] Add stereo loudspeaker test.
- [backcamera] Add option to disable flash.
- [battery] Change battery test header to same as test name.
- [camera] Add header to camera test and use same button as in other tests.
- [headset] Update headset detection QML code.
- [lcdbacklight] Fix layout for lcd backlight test.
- [csd] Remove GPS satellite radio page.
- [bluetooth] Fix Bluetooth auto-enabling and use QML states instead of bool properties to set states and respond to state changes.
- [bluetooth] Remove test timeout and 'default pin' display.
- [bluetooth] Use BluetoothPairingManager to handle pairing process
- [features] Separate microphones and reciver to own features.
- [layout] Unify green colors lightreen > green.
- [usbotg] Add new test page to verify usb-otg functionality.
- [audio] Set static volume for audio playback tests.
- [audio] Set static volume for audio record tests.
- [multitouch] Disable gestures for multitouch test.
- [headset] Add button detectio functionality.
- [headset] Add headset button test.
[csd] Display power current consumption in mA.
Some packaging fixes MER#966
- Upgrade to 1.3.10, many bug fixings including security fixes
- Port xinetd patch back to 1.3.10
- Remove cups-php package creation
- Initial import into Moblin
- Do not require portserve
Fixed hole of CVE-2009-0163
curl vulnerability (CVE-2015-3153). MER#951
Fixes CVE-2015-3143, CVE-2015-3148, CVE-2015-3145, CVE-2015-3144. MER#918
[declarative-transferengine] Remove remorse timer from clear list.
[droid-system-sbj] Remove suspicious chmod from qcom.init.rc.
- [droid-system-sbj] add a patch to enable servicemanager, minisf and minimedia
- [droid-system-sbj] add a patch to silence camera shutter sound
- [droid-system-sbj] apply patches to disable shutter sound and start needed services.
[droid-system-sbj] symlink media_codecs.xml and media_profiles.xml to /etc/
[dsme] Remove stale dsmetool --ta-test option.
- [dsme] Allow using config files to pass reboot parameters to systemd.
- [dsme] Attempt to re-enable thermal sensor if temperature read fails.
- [dsme] Implement configurable generic thermal backend.
[wlanloader] Only reset wlan module after wifi tethering has been turned off.
Fix CVE-2015-1572 and CVE-2015-0247
Fix CVE-2014-9447
Fix CVE-2014-0172
[embedlite-components] Tweak UA override for youtube.com.
Upgrade to Linaro 4.8 2014.01 (based on GCC 4.8.3+svn206350)
- Drop libgcc_post_upgrade utility in favour of lua %post and %postun scripts.
- Switch to private cloog-isl and isl libraries
- Don't need ggc hack for bootstrapped targets.
- Make i486 equal to --with-arch=i686 and fpmath=sse2
- Make armv7hl equal to armv7tnhl
- Changelog and spec file validation fixes MER#890
- Upgrade to Linaro 4.8 2013.10 (based on 4.8.1+svn203510)
- Add aarch64 support.
- Update version to 4.6.3 (i.e. it's not 4.6.2 2011.12)
- Add target-cc symlink to non-accel cross compiler
- Pull in latest fixes from GCC 4.6 branch, fixeshttps://bugs.launchpad.net/gcc-linaro/+bug/897583
- Remove traces of gcj and ada
- Add support for MIPS o32 port (mipsel),patches:gcc-4.6.0-mips_fix-1.patch, gcc46-MIPS-boehm-gc-stack-qemu.patch
- reported by eocanha: Gcc for target i486-meego-linux is actually built for i686 Fix MER#323
- Add armv7tnhl. Run precheckin.sh. Updated gcc.spec.
- Updated to linaro gcc 4.6.2 2011.12
- Only apply Atom patch when building for i586.
- Drop fortran support, it takes up too much time when gcc on target is being built.
- Update linaro patches. Drop the changes in the following three files: gcc/config/arm/linux-atomic.c, gcc/cp/decl.c, gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/pr45112.C
- Drop gcc45-pr45726.patch, which has been integrated into 4.5.2.
- Add baselibs.conf to src.rpm
- Applied 4.5.0 branch patch for fixing
- Merged/fixed devel:toolchain with devel:base
- Disable Linaro patchset to allow for bootstrap.
- Add gcc-gij dependency to gcc-java as it contains many of the tools formerly packaged in the gcc-java package.
- Make /lib/cpp traditional and avoid GCC and target specific defines.
- For now disable symlinking of binaries and manpages that conflict with the classpath package.
- Make gcc-gij dependency of gcc-java a recommendation, all java tools are back to the gcc-java package. Require libgcj-devel from gcc-java.
- Revert /lib/cpp changes.
- Make dependencies between the gcc subpackages versioned.
- Provide gcc-mudflap, gcc-info and gcc-locale packages
- gcc obsoletes gcc-mudflap which is no longer.
- Make gcc require cpp to pull in /lib/cpp.
- Add 32bit and 64bit support packages to gcc, gcc-c++, gcc-fortran,gcc-objc and libffi-devel.
- New gcc-gij package.
- Add dependencies to the gcc and non-32/64bit packages.
- Make gcc architecture dependent again.
- Remove gcc-c++-32bit and gcc-c++-64bit packages.
- Do not mark README.packaging as NoSource.
- Do not link to grmic and grmiregistry, they conflict with the classpath package versions.
- Switch gcc default to 4.2.
- Do not mark README.packaging as NoSource.
- Mark ppc64 as separate bi-32.
Add 32bit and 64bit variants of gcc-gij.
Upgrade to eglibc_2.19-0ubuntu6.4 (security fixes)
- Disable special -march=i486 for glibc
- Remove locale-archive.tmpl generation during build time to save ~100Mb disk space
- Remove build-locale-archive invocation in %post to save a lot of time and disk burn
- Fixes CVE-2013-7423, CVE-2014-9402, CVE-2015-1472,CVE-2015-1473
- Remove locale-archive %ghost which is no longer owned by this package. MER#858
- Do not build glibc for mipsel with -O3 enabled
- Update to Ubuntu eglibc 2.17
Apply some Linaro optimizations to aarch64 and armv7
Use p11-kit for the system CA store. MER#949
[gst-libav] enable mp3 decoder
[gstreamer] enable mpegtsdemux
[gstreamer] add a patch to update camerabin zoom pspec to the source's max-zoom property
[gstreamer] Rework 0002-qtmux-write-rotation-information-into-the-TKHD-matri.patch
[gstreamer] Add 0002-qtmux-write-rotation-information-into-the-TKHD-matri.patch
[sensorfw] revert accel x & y values.Fix MER#983
[jolla-calendar] Align start times in calendar widget.
[connman] Add rndis to DontBringDownAtStartup to fix USB-replug issue after bootup.
[bluez] Enable wakelocks.
[jolla-email] Restore click handling for attachments.
[calendar] Add support for calendar invitations detection and opening.
[jolla-keyboard] Added configuration for hardware layouts.
[jolla-keyboard] Sort keyboard names by localized value.
[qml] When invoked through the openUrl DBus API, bring the app to foreground.
[jolla-mediaplayer] Parent playlist items within the ListView.
[settings] Hide messages app settings for non-cellular configs.
[jolla-settings] Make application grid match launcher layout.
[sync-adapter] Add temporary solution for Sailfish-eas sync.
- [jolla-settings-accounts] Cancel OAuth request if credentials update page is popped.
- [jolla-settings-accounts] Add addressbook_path field entry for carddav accounts.
- [jolla-settings-accounts] Cancel pending sign-in requests when AccountFactory::cancel() is called.
- [jolla-settings-accounts] OAuth sign-in pages should not be cached.
- [jolla-settings-accounts] SIP account plugin extension.
[jolla-settings-accounts] Updated .spec file for SIP extension dependencies.
[flight-mode] Update flight mode text for devices without mobile data.
[jolla-settings-networking] Removed remorse timer from forget network.
[jolla-settings-sailfishos] Battery level threshold increased to 50% to allow system updates.
- [jolla-settings-sailfishos] Adapted to store-client's changes in D-Bus interface for OS update.
- [jolla-settings-sailfishos] When doing btrfs balancing before OS update, stop at a lower level if there is enough unallocated space available after a balancing round
[jolla-settings-sailfishos] Disk space low text shortened.
[about] Show device serial number in Settings > System >About
- [jolla-settings-system] Fix incorrect reading of location settings
[jolla-settings-system] Change date/time ordering for better time setting
[jolla-signon-ui] Change needs-update notification category and hint keys.
- [jolla-signon-ui] Bump release version for upgrade-1.1.7 again. Contributes to MER#1044
[jolla-signon-ui] Use try-restart in %post. Contributes to MER#1044
[startup-wizard] Change date/time ordering for better time setting.
- [cleanup] Remove QmSystem2 dependency
[startup-wizard] Switch timezone and time widgets in DateTimeDialog UI
[workaround] Set media.role to "x-maemo" (Fixes MER#978)
[libcommhistory] Remove obsolete ClassZeroSMSModel. Fixes MER#961
[rpm] Separate here-agreements from libherepositioning.
[libjollasignonuiservice] Remove special resizing for Twitter log-in page to fix the input problems in login page.
[libngf-qt] Allow calling stop() etc immediately after play(). Fixes MER#944
[libngf-qt] Emit connectionStatus() on disconnect.
Add aarch64 support
Fix CVE-2014-9496
[libsocialcache] Remove calendar-related out-of-band databases. Contributes to MER#916
Fix CVE-2015-2806. MER#897
[lipstick-jolla-home] Correctly handle notification removal.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Ensure correct notification sorting.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Protect against unexpected notification destruction.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Disable fast peek when screen is locked.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Critical urgency level for connectivity notifications.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] In notification banner fall back to summary text.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] In notification show body if empty summary.
[homescreen] Don't allow switcher to resize when the keyboard is shown.
[lipstick] Remove obsolete notifications. Contributes to MER#995
- [lipstick] Move simplecompositor to its own package. Fixes MER#976
- [lipstick] Reparent transient windows to lipstick-jolla-home
- [lipstick] Ensure correct sorting of notifications. Contributes to MER#991
- [lipstick] Check the input region of surfaces. Contributes to MER#986
- [lipstick] Allow settings hardware keyboard layout with a property. Fixes MER#960
- [cleanup] Remove dead code and cleanup qmsystem2
- [cleanup] Remove mount-related stuff from qmusbmode
- [cleanup] Remove QmSystem2 pkg-config dependency
- [cleanup] Remove support for Ovi Suite mode
- [cleanup] Remove unused constants in qmdisplaystate_p.h
- [dsme_dbus_if] Build against local qmsystem2 copy
- [headers] Install qmsystem2 headers to lipstick-qt5
- [pro] Add qmsystem2 files to the build process
- [qmsystem2] Remove Qt 4 support
- [qmsystemstate] Remove bootReason function
- [qmthermal] Use state constants from thermalmanager_dbus_if
- [tests] Use the locally-supplied qmsystem2 subset
- [usbmodeselector] Add PC Suite mode
- [lipstick] Fix disappearing transformed HWC nodes. Fixes MER#974
- [lipstick] Move screenshottool to its own package. Fixes MER#937
- [lipstick] Set the correct DBus interface for the WindowModel. Fixes MER#954
- [lipstick] Correct notification timestamps at restore. Contributes to MER#924
- [lipstick] Don't enable the qt_key wayland extension. Fixes MER#925
- [lipstick] Do not return appIcon property. Contributes to MER#1012
- [lipstick] Fix auto test failures. Contributes to MER#1025
- [lipstick] Sanitize Android notification preview properties. Contributes to MER#1034
- [lipstick] Expose notification hints to QML. Contributes to MER#1007
- [keymap] Added LipstickKeymap QML item. Fixes MER#1042
- [lipstick] Fix reporting of deleted model rows. Contributes to MER#1099
[lipstick] Correctly handle notification timestamps. Contributes to MER#1036
Add aarch64 support and gets deprecation
[mapplauncherd-privileges-jolla] Add csd to privileged list.
[mce] Add mcetool option for enabling/disabling led patterns.
- [mce] Add settings for exceptional display on state durations.
- [mce] Allow returning to dim after exceptional display on.
- [mce] Block user interaction when shutdown/reboot starts.
- [mce] Demote mce proximity logging to debug.
- [mce] Do not enforce tklock removal while lipstick is running.
- [mce] Always send indication after display state change is requested over D-Bus.
- [mce] Tweak backlight control path configuration. Fixes MER#977
- [mce] Add setting for enabling/disabling orientation sensor use.
- [mce] Add setting for ignoring lid/cover sensor.
- [mce] Avoid blocking read from iphb socket.
- [mce] allow policy for blanking states.
- [mce] Expose active blanking inhibit on D-Bus.
- [mce] Implement iphb based timers for use from within mce.
- [mce] Wakeup from suspend to end autolock grace period.
[osupdate] Collect system logs while OS update takes place.
[mce] Add D-Bus constants for exposing blanking pause and inhibit states.
Replace -mno-thumb with -marm to fix build on newer gcc versions
Make i486 == i686, armv7hl == armv7tnhl
[nemo-qml-plugin-calendar] Teardown thread before exiting. Fixes MER#988
[calendar] Add helpers to retrieve and save calendar invitations.
[datetimesettings] Remove QmTime dependency (use timed directly)
- [packaging] Remove qmsystem2 dependency
- [usbsettings] Allow setting of current mode
- [usbsettings] Remove QmUsbMode usage (use usb_moded directly)
- [usbsettings] Require usb-moded >= 0.82
[usbsettings] Re-use old enum values from qmsystem2 for compatibility
[nemo-qml-plugin-time] Add property for timezone offset from UTC. Fixes MER#935
[nemo-qml-plugin-time] Ensure initial property values are reported correctly. Fixes MER#934
[transfer-engine] Workaround lupdate bug. Contributes to MER#962
- [transfer-engine] Use translated notification group names
[transfer-engine] Show popup on successful download. Contributes to MER#1066
[dbus] Log who introspected the interface.
- [dbus] Reply not-yet-handled if plugin doesn't handle calls.
- [ngf] Enclose log defines with do while(0).
- [tonegen] Add D-Bus configuration file for legacy API.
- [tonegen] Allow extra properties for dtmf tones.
- [tonegen] Import tone-generator source as is to tonegen plugin.
[tonegen] Remove legacy-dbus-api.
Update to 3.16.6 and split libnssckbi into a separate package
[rilmodem] Fix simmanager removal handling. Contributes to MER#928
- [rilmodem] Register SimManager always and simplify logic. MER#928
[rilmodem] Remove rilplugin sim inserted notification. MER#928
[oneshot] Fix oneshot rpm macro usage examples. Fixes MER#968
- [comment] Add comments to oneshot-root.service.
[oneshot] If link points to non-existent file remove it.
[packaging] The core module of Qt 5 has the version number in it.
- [packaging] Source file name for package is dependent on package name.
- [packaging] A slightly saner way of handling that source file name.
- [packaging] According to the internet, gettext is required.
- [packaging] Building the Qt5 poppler plugins requires a few more packages.
- [packaging] Qt5 Test module also required. Not in the same section.
- [packaging] The soname of the qt5 plugin is now different.
- [packaging] Adapt packaging to using a single spec file for both core and qt5.
- [packaging] Cleaning up the redundant spec files.
- [packaging] Fix some requirements for the qt5 dev package.
- [packaging] Enable the cpp wrapper for poppler.
- [packaging] Package up the built files for the cpp wrapper.
[popper] Fix detection of moc for Qt 5
Add -fpermissive MER#909
[bluez4] Keep transport when starting in HFP mode.
- [bluez4] Make sure SCO is configured when creating device.
[packaging] Update patches for PulseAudio 6.0.
[stream-restore-nemo] Replace removed pa_sink_input_get_mute() call.
Fix CVE-2014-8116, CVE-2014-8117 and several other security vulnerabilities.
Fix changelog. MER#939
Update to 2.1.0
- Add aarch64 qemu
- Add precheckin.sh to sources.
- Fix build on glibc 2.17 or newer
Only build dynamic qemu-img binaries to resolve MER#1050 (from thp)
Update to 2.1.0
- Add aarch64 qemu
- Add precheckin.sh to sources.
Fix build on glibc 2.17 or newer
[search] Handle better search request cancel actions.
[notifications] Add actions to summary notifications. Contributes to MER#999
- [notifications] Do not close notifications on client launch. Contributes to MER#1002
- [notifications] Only summary notifications should have feedback. Contributes to MER#1000
- [notifications] Remove notification grouping. Contributes to MER#998
- [notifications] Add email feedback to grouped notification configuration. Contributes to MER#952
[notifications] Move notification grouping changes to feature branch. Contributes to MER#1023
[imap-idle] Check if IDLE connection needs to be established after login.
[systemd] Start messageserver only after all accounts related services.
[qtwayland] Support setting the input region of a surface. Contributes to MER#986
- [qtwayland] Don't crash if loading the keymap fails. Fixes MER#959
- [qtwayland] Add some key mappings. Fixes MER#945
[xkb] Provide support for the XF86Phone symbol. Fixes MER#1041
[qtcontacts-sqlite-extensions] Allow ignorable fields to be specified in TWCSA. Contributes to MER#941
[qtcontacts-sqlite] Improve remote removal sync update handling. Contributes to MER#953
[sailfish-browser] Fix favorite grid overlay edges for bigger screens.
[sailfish-browser] Maintain correct tabModel in BrowserContextMenu.
[sailfish-btrfs-balancer] Added support for allocation goal parameter.
[ca] Add "Conflicts: ssu-vendor-data-jolla <= 0.86"
[sailfish-components-accounts] Cancel pending OAuth requests in cancelSignInOperation().
- [sailfish-components-accounts] Don't emit an extra signInError() signal.
[sailfish-accounts-tool] Ensure we disable accounts when availability is removed.
[tests] Keep display in correct state during testing.
- [sailfish-components-bluetooth] Populate phone icon types separately from default types.
- [sailfish-components-bluetooth] Support icons for watch and tablet-type devices.
- [sailfish-components-bluetooth] Emit pairingFailed() with error code.
[sailfish-components-bluetooth] Size BluetoothDevicePicker width to parent.width by default
[sailfish-components-contacts] Add placeholder to presence account details.
[sailfish-components-contacts] Add some space between text and Button.
[dialogs] Removed code to hide the PageStack indicators from the edition dialogs.
[edition] Don't accept edition by flicking when the split edition dialog is not open.
[sailfish-components-store] Add app summary to model data.
[sailfish-maps] Fix attribution link color and open URL when clicked.
[version] Bump to 1.1.7 (Björnträsket)
[sailfish-silica] Allow configuration of each theme parameter individually.
- [sailfish-silica] Allow configuration of theme icon subdir with DConf value.
- [sailfish-silica] Manage TouchInteractionHint loops explicitly.
- [sailfish-silica] InteractionHintLabel (background) height changed to depend on parent height.
- [componentgallery] Use bindings for interaction hint startX/Y.
[sailfishsilica] Dimmer must be updated if originY changes.
[csd] Disable stereo loudspeaker for CSD audio test
[csd] Add config for csd tool.
[wlan] Filter wlan mcast to avoid wake-ups when suspended.
[sensorfw] revert accel x & y values.Fix MER#983
[control] Add GetProgress method for querying progress
- [dbus] Add org.sailfishos.sfmf.conf
- [dbus] Object registration and Abort() method
- [dbus] Report phase, rename to org.sailfishos.sfmf.unpack
[sfmf-deploy] Broadcast deployment progress on D-Bus
[buteo-sync-plugins-social] Improve error handling in Google Contacts sync. Contributes to MER#973
- [buteo-sync-plugins-social] Remove libsocialcache usage from Facebook Calendar sync. Contributes to MER#916
- [buteo-sync-plugins-social] Remove libsocialcache usage from Google Calendar sync. Contributes to MER#916
- [buteo-sync-plugins-social] Bump release version for upgrade-1.1.7 again. Contributes to MER#1044
[buteo-sync-plugins-social] Use try-restart in %post. Contributes to MER#1044
[ssu-repos] Update jolla-ca and sailfish-ca paths
[ofono] added Cellular.CapabilityData. Fixes MER#981
[ofono] rename VoiceCall to CapabilityVoice. Contributes to MER#981
[store-client] Release cover image for update 16.
- [store-client] Loop through desktop files until executable is found.
- [store-client] Landscape support for AppPage.
- [store-client] Landscape support for FeedPage.
- [store-client] Margin and spacing support added for application grids.
- [store-client] Multicolumn support for InstalledPage.
- [store-client] New design for AppGridItem.
- [store-client] New design for main page busy indicators.
- [store-client] Support for multiple feeds on WelcomePage.
- [store-client] Landscape support for SearchPage.
- [store-client] New design for the feed item on WelcomePage.
- [store client] Allow 3rd party apps to interrupt the OS update download.
- [store client] Allow use of store-client while OS update download is in progress.
- [store client] Cleaned up D-Bus interface for OS update.
- [store client] Do not propagate OS download progress 100 coming directly from PackageKit because it may not be true.
- [store client] Fixed issue where OS download was reported to be finished under some circumstances while it has actually only started.
- [store client] Removed explicit refresh from OS update size check.
- [store client] Temporarily interrupt and resume OS update download when the store schedules other package transactions.
- [store-client] Add app summary to start-up helper data.
- [store-client] Preselect all Jolla apps by default in the start-up helper.
- [store-client] Start-up helper changes.
- [store-client] Show system update notification under "Sailfish OS" category.
- [store-client] Do not uninstall dependencies when uninstalling by desktop file.
- [store client] Set ssu release for installing OS update, but do not revert it to the old version after successful OS update.
[store-client] Add systemd osupdate logging service.
[build] Need libngf >= 0.24.
- [modem] Use NGFD for indicator tones.
[packaging] Remove yaml and require libngf.
[packaging] use systemctl-user try-restart MER#1044
[pc-suite] Add a define for the pc-suite
- [upstart] Remove upstart appsync support
- [usb-moded] Fix build, do not attempt to remove nonexistent file
- [modes.h] Add MODE_ADB named constant
- [tethering] Connman tethering support
- [usb-moded] Configuration files for connman tethering
- [usb-moded] Fix D-Bus introspection data
- [usb-moded] Fix for broken usb drivers when setting mode
- [usb-moded] Fixed memory leak in systemd_control_service()
[usb-moded] Use lstat to read information about the link
[update] Update to VirtualBox-4.3.22 to fix build with GCC 4.8 toolchain
[voicecall] Use NGFD for DTMF tones.
[voidecall-ui-jolla] Removed remorse timer when deleting call log entries.
[wpa_supplicant] Upgrade to version 2.4 and fix sec. vulnerabilities. MER#990
[wpa_supplicant] Fix ap_mode teardown with upstream patches. MER#1208
[sbj] Added sbj keymap for Jolla phone. Fixes MER#1040
[sbj] sbj keymap for Jolla phone rather based in pc105. Fixes MER#1114
[rpm] Send scroll event only when CB get shorter.
- [spec] Don't exclude libmozalloc from "Provides:"
- [spec] Don't generate "Provides:" for private libs
[rpm] Make sure current package obsoletes old -devel packages
[p11-kit] Add libnssckbi replacement in a separate package
- [p11-kit] Add trust-extract-compat script from Fedora
- [p11-kit] Version 0.22.1. MER#947
- [packaging] Add patch to fix build for automake 1.11
- [packaging] Require gettext
tldr Good Job and a lot of work has been done... I'm really looking forward what's coming next :D
xneo ( 2015-07-15 19:15:38 +0300 )SIP? Did anybody say SIP? Now I can't wait that the progress bar fills up its last pixels to see if I can set up a SIP account! It's not clear to me from the changelog. I hope I'll find out soon!
EDIT: I can't. Let's wait for the next update. yawn
Yo ( 2015-07-15 20:52:35 +0300 )"[jolla-settings-accounts] SIP account plugin extension." Does that mean what I think it means? \o/
sloh ( 2015-07-15 20:55:28 +0300 )@Yo@sloh not just yet, unfortunately -- but it means that we're working on it, and another puzzle piece for working SIP is now there
Aard ( 2015-07-15 22:08:31 +0300 )Please convert to a comment. This is not an answer.
raketti ( 2015-07-18 20:52:10 +0300 )