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posted 2013-12-25 13:03:46 +0200

SMTP - problem with logging/certificate

I'm using postfix SMTP server configured with SSL and PLAIN password (certificate is not trusted). Every time I'm trying to send email from Email app using this account I get: - "Problem with logging" ("Problem z logowaniem" in Polish) message shown on my Jolla. - SMTP server logs show "SASL LOGIN authentication failed: Invalid authentication mechanism"

Same settings just work with Android devices. I suppose this might be a problem with untrusted certificate as there is no way on jolla to accept these. I'm not sure though. Ideas?

SMTP - problem with logging/certificate

I'm using postfix SMTP server configured with SSL and PLAIN password (certificate is not trusted). Every time I'm trying to send email from Email app using this account I get: - "Problem with logging" ("Problem z logowaniem" in Polish) message shown on my Jolla. - SMTP server logs show "SASL LOGIN authentication failed: Invalid authentication mechanism"

Same settings just work with Android devices. I suppose this might be a problem with untrusted certificate as there is no way on jolla to accept these. I'm not sure though. Ideas?