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posted 2017-06-28 17:58:19 +0300

Inoi R7 is getting shipped in Russia, is alien dalvik on board of Sailfish RUS?


the first inoi R7 are going out in mother Russia. And I'm joyful to order one to Petersburg. But, it seems, following the comments on the resellers website, that there is no android support on the device?

So, didn't they include Alien dalvik? (Maybe because of licensing issues). Did anybody already test this device / has experiences?

Inoi R7 is getting shipped in Russia, is alien dalvik on board of Sailfish RUS?


the first inoi R7 are going out in mother Russia. And I'm joyful to order one to Petersburg. But, it seems, following the comments on the resellers website, that there is no android support on the device?

So, didn't they include Alien dalvik? (Maybe because of licensing issues). Did anybody already test this device / has experiences?