I have noticed many times that the authentication for the Google account is gone suddenly. So i can´t use Google Talk or getting e-mails. I have to authenticate Sailfish again.
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I have noticed many times that the authentication for the Google account is gone suddenly. So i can´t use Google Talk or getting e-mails. I have to authenticate Sailfish again.
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I have noticed many times that the authentication for the Google account is gone suddenly. So i can´t use Google Talk or getting e-mails. I have to authenticate Sailfish again.
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I have noticed many times that the authentication for the Google account is gone suddenly. So i can´t use Google Talk or getting e-mails. I have to authenticate Sailfish again.
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I have noticed many times that the authentication for the Google account is gone suddenly. So i can´t use Google Talk or getting e-mails. I have to authenticate Sailfish again.