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posted 2017-11-09 11:01:09 +0200

Switch SIM: no connection

I've recently changed providers and with that I had to change the SIM card. After I enter the PIN code my Jolla fales to register the SIM with the provider. When I try that same SIM card in another phone it works.

I found several references to the ofono service and re-created the /var/lib/ofono directory as mentioned here: https://together.jolla.com/question/148246/bug-new-sim-crazy-behavior/

After several reboots there was no change and the ofono service gave me this status:

$ devel-su
# systemctl status -l ofono.service
● ofono.service - Telephony service
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/ofono.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Thu 2017-11-09 09:32:29 CET; 5min ago
 Main PID: 1004 (ofonod)
   CGroup: /system.slice/ofono.service
           └─1004 /usr/sbin/ofonod -n --nobacktrace --noplugin=he910,dun_gw_bluez5,hfp_bluez5,hfp_ag_bluez5,cdma_provision,bluez5,isimodem,n900,u8500,qmimodem,gobi,cdmamodem,isiusb,nwmodem,ztemodem,iceramodem,huaweimodem,calypsomodem,swmodem,mbmmodem,hsomodem,ifxmodem,stemodem,dunmodem,hfpmodem,speedupmodem,phonesim,telitmodem

Nov 09 09:32:54 Sailfish ofonod[1004]:   Type: OFONO_GPRS_CONTEXT_TYPE_INTERNET
Nov 09 09:32:54 Sailfish ofonod[1004]:   Username: '(null)'
Nov 09 09:32:54 Sailfish ofonod[1004]:   Password: '(null)'
Nov 09 09:32:54 Sailfish ofonod[1004]: Name: 'KPN MMS'
Nov 09 09:32:54 Sailfish ofonod[1004]:   APN: 'portalmmm.nl'
Nov 09 09:32:54 Sailfish ofonod[1004]:   Type: OFONO_GPRS_CONTEXT_TYPE_MMS
Nov 09 09:32:54 Sailfish ofonod[1004]:   Username: '(null)'
Nov 09 09:32:54 Sailfish ofonod[1004]:   Password: '(null)'
Nov 09 09:33:00 Sailfish ofonod[1004]: export_entries_one_storage_cb with ME failed
Nov 09 09:35:13 Sailfish ofonod[1004]: data reg changed 2 -> 0 (unregistered), attached 0

I searched for "export_entries_one_storage_cb with ME failed" and this brought me to this post: https://together.jolla.com/question/125494/mobile-connection-used-to-work-but-is-now-broken/

The difference is that my new SIM functions correctly in another phone. Only not in Jolla.

Does anybody know how to go from here?

Switch SIM: no connection

I've recently changed providers and with that I had to change the SIM card. After I enter the PIN code my Jolla fales to register the SIM with the provider. When I try that same SIM card in another phone it works.

I found several references to the ofono service and re-created the /var/lib/ofono directory as mentioned here: https://together.jolla.com/question/148246/bug-new-sim-crazy-behavior/

After several reboots there was no change and the ofono service gave me this status:

$ devel-su
# systemctl status -l ofono.service
● ofono.service - Telephony service
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/ofono.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Thu 2017-11-09 09:32:29 CET; 5min ago
 Main PID: 1004 (ofonod)
   CGroup: /system.slice/ofono.service
           └─1004 /usr/sbin/ofonod -n --nobacktrace --noplugin=he910,dun_gw_bluez5,hfp_bluez5,hfp_ag_bluez5,cdma_provision,bluez5,isimodem,n900,u8500,qmimodem,gobi,cdmamodem,isiusb,nwmodem,ztemodem,iceramodem,huaweimodem,calypsomodem,swmodem,mbmmodem,hsomodem,ifxmodem,stemodem,dunmodem,hfpmodem,speedupmodem,phonesim,telitmodem

Nov 09 09:32:54 Sailfish ofonod[1004]:   Type: OFONO_GPRS_CONTEXT_TYPE_INTERNET
Nov 09 09:32:54 Sailfish ofonod[1004]:   Username: '(null)'
Nov 09 09:32:54 Sailfish ofonod[1004]:   Password: '(null)'
Nov 09 09:32:54 Sailfish ofonod[1004]: Name: 'KPN MMS'
Nov 09 09:32:54 Sailfish ofonod[1004]:   APN: 'portalmmm.nl'
Nov 09 09:32:54 Sailfish ofonod[1004]:   Type: OFONO_GPRS_CONTEXT_TYPE_MMS
Nov 09 09:32:54 Sailfish ofonod[1004]:   Username: '(null)'
Nov 09 09:32:54 Sailfish ofonod[1004]:   Password: '(null)'
Nov 09 09:33:00 Sailfish ofonod[1004]: export_entries_one_storage_cb with ME failed
Nov 09 09:35:13 Sailfish ofonod[1004]: data reg changed 2 -> 0 (unregistered), attached 0

I searched for "export_entries_one_storage_cb with ME failed" and this brought me to this post: https://together.jolla.com/question/125494/mobile-connection-used-to-work-but-is-now-broken/

The difference is that my new SIM functions correctly in another phone. Only not in Jolla.

Does anybody know how to go from here?


After removing the battery for a while and booting the last three lines were these:

Nov 09 10:35:17 Sailfish ofonod[974]: data reg changed 2 -> 3 (denied), attached 0
Nov 09 10:35:33 Sailfish ofonod[974]: data reg changed 3 -> 2 (searching), attached 0
Nov 09 10:35:52 Sailfish ofonod[974]: data reg changed 2 -> 0 (unregistered), attached 0