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posted 2018-02-14 16:33:00 +0200

Launcher bg transparency / Launcher combined patches can´t be installed

There for it seames to be CODeRUS is not longer aktive at our boot (his patch isn´t working since last update), could it be possible that anyone take over and fix it.

BTW: @Jolla Black Launcher background sucks, why couldn´t be a transparancy option implemented as default? (Black brake the UI Experience!)

Launcher bg transparency / Launcher combined patches can´t be installed

There for it seames to be CODeRUS is not longer aktive at our boot (his patch isn´t working since last update), could it be possible that anyone take over and fix it.

BTW: @Jolla Black Launcher background sucks, why couldn´t be a transparancy option implemented as default? (Black brake the UI Experience!)