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posted 2013-12-25 22:59:15 +0200

bluetooth gps support

For better usability time / accuracy in navigation, it would be great to have a setting to enable external bluetooth gps devices.

Personally I have a bluetooth gps device using Bluegps driver (not supported by Sailfish yet), I hope that there will be this and several other device drivers supported later.

bluetooth gps support

For better usability time / accuracy in navigation, it would be great to have a setting to enable external bluetooth gps devices.

Personally I have a bluetooth gps device using Bluegps driver (not supported by Sailfish yet), I hope that there will be this and several other device drivers supported later.

bluetooth gps support

For better usability time / accuracy in navigation, it would be great to have a setting to enable external bluetooth gps devices.

Personally I have a bluetooth gps device using Bluegps driver (not supported by Sailfish yet), I hope that there will be this and several other device drivers supported later.

bluetooth gps support

For better usability time / of the phone and accuracy in navigation, it would be great to have a setting to enable external bluetooth gps devices.

Personally I have a bluetooth gps device using Bluegps driver (not supported by Sailfish yet), devices. I hope that there several different devices will be this and several other supported (Bluegps -driver is the one my device drivers supported later.uses).