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posted 2018-08-25 16:56:12 +0200

Sailfish 3 - Sailfish X Bug Fixes

Hi, I have read through many of the Sailfish X / Xperia bug threads on here, including what seems like the main one as it's a wiki and quite comprehensive: https://together.jolla.com/question/171437/what-bugs-does-sailfish-x-have/ (with some reasonably fundamental bugs still on there).

Has there been any official communication on whether the imminent Sailfish 3 will be addressing any of these items? I'm so close to biting the bullet, setting sail and joining the sailfish club by getting an X and buying SailfishX but am a bit put off by some of the issues listed, for example no speakerphone? Tiny available internal disk space? Roaming issues + mobile settings getting lost?

It's also hard to tell from that thread, how many people have the particular issues, how many are rogue problems unique to one individual / device and how many are widespread. Is there any resource, would perhaps be great if there was a list bugs along with a list of users that experience that list - a bit like you can see on Github with something like a thumbs up on a particular bug.

Apologies if this shouldn't be a new thread I just felt it would be good to get answers as to whether any bugs listed were being / have been addressed in the new Sailfish 3 release.

Sailfish 3 - Sailfish X Bug Fixes

Hi, I have read through many of the Sailfish X / Xperia bug threads on here, including what seems like the main one as it's a wiki and quite comprehensive: https://together.jolla.com/question/171437/what-bugs-does-sailfish-x-have/ (with some reasonably fundamental bugs still on there).

Has there been any official communication on whether the imminent Sailfish 3 will be addressing any of these items? I'm so close to biting the bullet, setting sail and joining the sailfish club by getting an X and buying SailfishX but am a bit put off by some of the issues listed, for example no speakerphone? Tiny available internal disk space? Roaming issues + mobile settings getting lost?

It's also hard to tell from that thread, how many people have the particular issues, how many are rogue problems unique to one individual / device and how many are widespread. Is there any resource, resource to monitor the bugs and how prevalent they are? It would perhaps be great if there was a list bugs along with a list of users that experience that list those bugs - a bit like you can see on Github with something like a thumbs up on a particular bug.

Apologies if this shouldn't be a new thread I just felt it would be good to get answers as to whether any bugs listed were being / have been addressed in the new Sailfish 3 release.