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posted 2018-10-19 11:54:20 +0200

jahonen gravatar image

[Official announcement] L10n strings for 3.0.0, round 2

Hello again dear multilingual fellows!

Thank you very much for the first round of translations! Now there are some more strings to be translated for the round 2.

We would kindly ask you to do your part by the end of Monday, 22nc October.

And as always, if you have any concerns, problems, or questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Without further ado, head to https://translate.sailfishos.org and follow link for instructions if you're there for the first time :)

Thank you & regards, Sim & Jarkko

[Official announcement] L10n strings for 3.0.0, round 2

Hello again dear multilingual fellows!

Thank you very much for the first round of translations! Now there are some more strings to be translated for the round 2.

We would kindly ask you to do your part by the end of Monday, 22nc 22nd October.

And as always, if you have any concerns, problems, or questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Without further ado, head to https://translate.sailfishos.org and follow link for instructions if you're there for the first time :)

Thank you & regards, Sim & Jarkko