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posted 2014-01-27 14:46:49 +0200

Jolla should create UI policy for app.covers

Recently they posted guide lines about creating icon for your app. So i thought that may be they should create guide lines for application covers too. Or go even further and enforce some kind of policy when accepting app in harbour. Atm, for me, covers are hardly distinguishable and it's really annoying. Most of the time i find myself looking at cover actions and they are really small. So i propose may be we could help Jolla to create such guide lines. Post your thoughts here and hope someone from Jolla read it someday :)

Jolla should create UI policy guidelines for app.covers

Recently they posted guide lines guidelines about creating icon for your app. So i thought that may be they should create guide lines guidelines for application covers too. Or go even further and enforce some kind of policy when accepting app in harbour. Atm, for me, covers are hardly distinguishable and it's really annoying. Most of the time i find myself looking at cover actions and they are really small. So i propose may be we could help Jolla to create such guide lines. guidelines. Post your thoughts here and hope someone from Jolla read it someday :)

Jolla should create UI guidelines for app.covers

Recently they posted guidelines about creating icon for your app. So i thought that may be they should create guidelines for application covers too. Or go even further and enforce some kind of policy when accepting app in harbour. Atm, for me, covers are hardly distinguishable and it's really annoying. Most of the time i find myself looking at cover actions and they are really small. So i propose may be we could help Jolla to create such guidelines. Post your thoughts here and hope someone from Jolla read it someday :)