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posted 2019-04-01 15:29:04 +0200

[XA2] Opera night mode displays warning every time

I noticed this in 3.0.1, but it doesn't seem to be reported yet, so doing it now.

When I enable Night Mode in Opera, Sailfish OS pops up a notification that Opera is drawing on top of other apps (in practice I think it's because of the button bar). This is fine, but every time I minimize opera and reactivate it, the same notification appears again. It soon gets very frustrating, as there doesn't seem to be a way to disable the message in Android settings, which can be accessed by tapping the notification.

[XA2] Opera night mode displays warning every time

I noticed this in 3.0.1, but it doesn't seem to be reported yet, so doing it now.

When I enable Night Mode in Opera, Sailfish OS pops up a notification that Opera is drawing on top of other apps (in practice I think it's because of the button bar). This is fine, but every time I minimize opera and reactivate it, the same notification appears again. It soon gets very frustrating, as there doesn't seem to be a way to disable the message in Android settings, which can be accessed by tapping the notification.

I'm running Sony Xperia XA2 Ultra with SFOS 3.0.2 and v17B.