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posted 2019-11-06 11:01:16 +0200

Asteroid OS support now possible?

In this thread the possibility of a native asteroid OS client for SFOS was negated due to BLE limitations: https://together.jolla.com/question/184053/not-a-question-asteroid-first-release/ In the release notes of SFOS 3.2.0 it was mentioned that BLE now was working, but no details were given on that topic. Does this mean that a realization of asteroid OS native client would be possible with the new version of SFOS?

Asteroid OS support now possible?

In this thread the possibility of a native asteroid OS client for SFOS was negated due to BLE limitations: https://together.jolla.com/question/184053/not-a-question-asteroid-first-release/ In the release notes of SFOS 3.2.0 it was mentioned that BLE now was working, but no details were given on that topic. Does this mean that a realization of asteroid OS native client would be possible with the new version of SFOS?