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posted 2019-12-10 09:01:08 +0200

Experia XA2 Plus (Single Sim) How is the situation?

Hey all, i recently bought a XA2 Plus to install sailfish X on it. While i am waiting to get it delivered i was reading some posts about it. In some threads people are explaining their problems with the XA2 and Sailfish. How is the situation right now? I am using sailfish on a jolla, is the experience similar to Sailfish x on a XA2? Can i flash back to android if i am not satisfied with sailfish?


Experia XA2 Plus (Single Sim) How is the situation?

Hey all, i recently bought a XA2 Plus to install sailfish X on it. While i am waiting to get it delivered i was reading some posts about it. In some threads people are explaining their problems with the XA2 and Sailfish. How is the situation right now? I am using sailfish on a jolla, is the experience similar to Sailfish x on a XA2? Can i flash back to android if i am not satisfied with sailfish?


Experia Xperia XA2 Plus (Single Sim) How is the situation?

Hey all, i recently bought a XA2 Plus to install sailfish X on it. While i am waiting to get it delivered i was reading some posts about it. In some threads people are explaining their problems with the XA2 and Sailfish. How is the situation right now? I am using sailfish on a jolla, is the experience similar to Sailfish x on a XA2? Can i flash back to android if i am not satisfied with sailfish?
