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posted 2014-02-05 13:46:03 +0300

I dropped my Jolla and the screen broke, what now?

Today I was walking around and I dropped my phone, it fell right on the screen and now it's completely messed up. It still works but you can't see much, the glass is shattered and thanks to the gesture based OS, it's not practical to use it unless you want glass in your hands. This really ruined my day because I love my Jolla and I've only had it for 3 weeks. I hope you guys can help out. What do I have to do? Does it fall under warranty and is there a possibility to let Jolla repair my phone or send me a new one. I live in Belgium (that might be important). Thanks.

I already sent them a tweet, this might come in handy when they offer an answer: https://twitter.com/Low_res/status/431027673335226368

TLDR; Screen broke, help!

Thanks in advance, Low_res

I dropped my Jolla and the screen broke, what now?

Today I was walking around and I dropped my phone, it fell right on the screen and now it's completely messed up. It still works but you can't see much, the glass is shattered and thanks to the gesture based OS, it's not practical to use it unless you want glass in your hands. This really ruined my day because I love my Jolla and I've only had it for 3 weeks. I hope you guys can help out. What do I have to do? Does it fall under warranty and is there a possibility to let Jolla repair my phone or send me a new one. I live in Belgium (that might be important). Thanks.

I already sent them a tweet, this might come in handy when they offer an answer: https://twitter.com/Low_res/status/431027673335226368

TLDR; Screen broke, help!

Thanks in advance, Low_res

I dropped my Jolla and the screen broke, what now?

Today I was walking around and I dropped my phone, it fell right on the screen and now it's completely messed up. It still works but you can't see much, the glass is shattered and thanks to the gesture based OS, it's not practical to use it unless you want glass in your hands. This really ruined my day because I love my Jolla and I've only had it for 3 weeks. I hope you guys can help out. What do I have to do? Does it fall under warranty and is there a possibility to let Jolla repair my phone or send me a new one. I live in Belgium (that might be important). Thanks.

I already sent them a tweet, this might come in handy when they offer an answer: https://twitter.com/Low_res/status/431027673335226368

TLDR; Screen broke, help!

Thanks in advance, Low_res