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1 | initial version | posted 2014-02-07 03:52:44 +0200 |
One of the reasons for having the pulley menus the way they are is the idea that they can be used without looking at the screen. The idea is that after a while, you remember what number the option you want to use is at, so you can pull the menu to your desired choice by feel only, even with the phone in your pocket. Is this something you ever do?
2 | No.2 Revision |
One of the reasons for having the pulley menus the way they are is the idea that they can be used without looking at the screen. The idea is that after a while, you remember what number the option you want to use is at, so you can pull the menu to your desired choice by feel only, even with the phone in your pocket. Is this something you ever do?
3 | No.3 Revision |
One of the reasons for having the pulley menus the way they are is the idea that they can be used without looking at the screen. The idea is that after a while, you remember what number the option you want to use is at, so you can pull the menu to your desired choice by feel only, even with the phone in your pocket. Is this something you ever do?
Note: This poll, as well as its answers is marked wiki. That prevents polls and poll answers from affecting karma.
If you add more poll answers, please don't forget to mark it as wiki, since only real questions and answers, but not polls should change karma!
4 | No.4 Revision |
One of the reasons for having the pulley menus the way they are is the idea that they can be used without looking at the screen. The idea is that after a while, you remember what number the option you want to use is at, so you can pull the menu to your desired choice by feel only, even with the phone in your pocket. Is this something you ever do?
Note: This poll, as well as its answers is marked wiki. That prevents polls and poll answers from affecting karma.
karma. If you add more poll answers, please don't forget to mark it as wiki, since only real questions and answers, but not polls should change karma!
5 | No.5 Revision |
One of the reasons for having the pulley menus the way they are is the idea that they can be used without looking at the screen. The idea is that after a while, you remember what number the option you want to use is at, so you can pull the menu to your desired choice by feel only, even with the phone in your pocket. Is this something you ever do?
Note: This poll, as well as its answers is marked wiki. That prevents polls and poll answers from affecting karma.
If you add more poll answers, please don't forget to mark it as wiki, since only real questions and answers, but not polls should change karma!
6 | No.6 Revision |
One of the reasons for having the pulley menus the way they are is the idea that they can be used without looking at the screen. The idea is that after a while, you remember what number the option you want to use is at, so you can pull the menu to your desired choice by feel only, even with the phone in your pocket. Is this something you ever do?
Note: This poll, as well as its answers is marked wiki. That prevents polls and poll answers from affecting karma.
If you add more poll answers, please don't forget to mark it as wiki, wiki, since only real questions and answers, but not polls should change karma!karma! When creating your answer, there will be a tick-box at the bottom, right above the OK/Cancel buttons.
7 | No.7 Revision |
One of the reasons for having the pulley menus the way they are is the idea that they can be used without looking at the screen. The idea is that after a while, you remember what number the option you want to use is at, so you can pull the menu to your desired choice by feel only, even with the phone in your pocket. Is this something you ever do?
Note: This poll, as well as its answers is marked wiki. That prevents polls and poll answers from affecting karma.
If you add more poll answers, please don't forget to mark it as wiki, since only real questions and answers, but not polls should change karma! When creating your answer, there will be a tick-box at the bottom, right above next to the OK/Cancel buttons.Submit button.
8 | No.8 Revision |
One of the reasons for having the pulley menus the way they are is the idea that they can be used without looking at the screen. The idea is that after a while, you remember what number the option you want to use is at, so you can pull the menu to your desired choice by feel only, even with the phone in your pocket. Is this something you ever do?
Note: This poll, as well as its answers is marked wiki. That prevents polls and poll answers from affecting karma.
If you add more poll answers, please don't forget to mark it as wiki, since only real questions and answers, but not polls should change karma! When creating your answer, there will be a tick-box at the bottom, next to the Submit button.
Also, don't add an answer unless you intend it as a votable poll option, otherwise make a comment under a suitable poll option