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posted 2014-03-04 15:38:11 +0200

Linking jolla account with email address prevents you from installing apps

My brand-new Jolla arrived in the mail yesterday. I linked it to my existing Jolla account, and tried to install some apps. At first that worked, but when I tried to install the maps, that failed. Also other apps like Webcat failed to install. I retested my phone to factory settings, and tried again, with the same result. I could install the email, android, calendar, clock, media, calculator, documents and notes apps, but I could not install the maps, webcat, TOH-ambiances or any other app I tried. After googeling for some time, I ended up here: http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=92800&page=2 and based on that suggestion, I unlinked my Jolla account, and linked it again, but this time using my user name in stead of my email address.

If you have to link your jolla account using your username, and not using your email address, then the phone should not allow you to link with your email address. If it does allow you to link with your email address, the store servers should also accept your email address, or the phone should put your username in the store config files.

Linking jolla account with email address prevents you from installing apps

My brand-new Jolla arrived in the mail yesterday. I linked it to my existing Jolla account, and tried to install some apps. At first that worked, but when I tried to install the maps, that failed. Also other apps like Webcat failed to install. I retested my phone to factory settings, and tried again, with the same result. I could install the email, android, calendar, clock, media, calculator, documents and notes apps, but I could not install the maps, webcat, TOH-ambiances or any other app I tried. After googeling for some time, I ended up here: http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=92800&page=2 and based on that suggestion, I unlinked my Jolla account, and linked it again, but this time using my user name in stead of my email address.address. This fixed the issue for me.

If you have to link your jolla account using your username, and not using your email address, then the phone should not allow you to link with your email address. If it does allow you to link with your email address, the store servers should also accept your email address, or the phone should put your username in the store config files.