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posted 2014-06-03 20:16:28 +0200

Fast/Sport picture mode for camera app

Would it be possible to add some sort of fast mode for camera app? It is very difficult to get good pictures from a moving target. Tried one day to take a picture from a walking man. Not succeeded very well..

Fast/Sport picture mode for camera app

Would it be possible to add some sort of fast mode for camera app? It is very difficult to get good pictures from a moving target. Tried one day target.

By changing ISO (higher) and exposition correction settings (negative) will improve image quality for faster moving targets (thanks Macilaci457 for the tips). These settings are however not easy to manage since these have to be set to take a moving picture from and then reversed to take a walking man. Not succeeded very well..proper still picture.

As summary, one automated button for fast camera mode would be great. This is easier to set up and reverse compared to manual setting for ISO and exposition correction.

Fast/Sport picture mode for camera app

Would it be possible to add some sort of fast mode for camera app? It is difficult to get good pictures from a moving target.

By changing ISO (higher) and exposition correction settings (negative) will improve image quality for faster moving targets (thanks Macilaci457 for the tips). These settings are however not easy to manage since these have to be set to take a moving picture and then reversed to take a proper still picture.

As summary, one automated button for fast camera mode would be great. This is easier to set up and reverse compared to manual setting for ISO and exposition correction.

Fast/Sport picture mode for camera app

Would it be possible to add some sort of fast mode for camera app? It is difficult to get good pictures from a moving target.

By changing ISO (higher) and exposition correction settings (negative) will improve image quality for faster moving targets (thanks Macilaci457 for the tips). These settings are however not easy to manage since these have to be set to take a moving picture and then reversed to take a proper still picture.

As summary, one automated button for fast camera mode would be great. This is easier to set up and reverse compared to manual setting for ISO and exposition correction.

Fast/Sport picture mode for camera app

Would it be possible to add some sort of fast mode for camera app? It is difficult to get good pictures from a moving target.

By changing ISO (higher) and exposition correction settings (negative) will improve image quality for faster moving targets (thanks Macilaci457 for the tips). These settings are however not easy to manage since these have to be set to take a moving picture and then reversed to take a proper still picture.

As summary, one automated button for fast camera mode would be great. This is easier to set up and reverse compared to manual setting for ISO and exposition correction.