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posted 2014-10-23 01:18:04 +0200

transition from pully-menu to second page stack

something my eye do not like, is the transtion between an opened top menu to a second page stack. it use a parallele animation to pull down the menu, and in the same time, move to the second stack. it results a strange diagonal animation, witch looks like unclear... I suggest you to make a sequential animation. Close the menu, then, push page stack... and decrease the duration to not lost time

image description

transition from pully-menu to second page stack

something my eye do not like, is the transtion between an opened top menu to a second page stack. it use a parallele animation to pull down the menu, and in the same time, move to the second stack. it results a strange diagonal animation, witch looks like unclear... I suggest you to make a sequential animation. Close the menu, then, push page stack... and decrease the duration to not lost keep time

image description

transition from pully-menu to second page stack

something my eye do not like, is the transtion between an opened top menu to a second page stack. stack.

it use a parallele parallel animation to pull down the menu, and in the same time, move to the second stack. it results a strange diagonal animation, witch which looks like unclear... unclear...

I suggest you to make a sequential animation. Close the menu, then, push page stack... and decrease the duration to keep time

transition from pully-menu to second page stack

something Something my eye do does not like, like is the transtion between an opened top menu to a second page stack.

it use It uses a parallel animation to pull down the menu, and in at the same time, move to the second stack. it results a strange diagonal animation, which looks like unclear...

I suggest you to make a sequential animation. Close the menu, then, push page stack... and decrease the duration to keep timetime.

Pulley-menu transition from pully-menu to second page stack

Something my eye does not like is the transtion between an opened top menu to a second page stack.

It uses a parallel animation to pull down the menu, and at the same time, move to the second stack. it results a strange diagonal animation, which looks like unclear...

I suggest you to make a sequential animation. Close the menu, then, push page stack... and decrease the duration to keep duration-to-keep time.

Pulley-menu transition to second page stack

Something my eye does not like is the transtion between an opened top menu to a second page stack.

It uses a parallel animation to pull down the menu, and at the same time, move to the second stack. it results a strange diagonal animation, which looks like unclear...

I suggest you make a sequential animation. Close the menu, then, push page stack... and decrease the duration-to-keep time.