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posted 2015-01-12 12:35:40 +0200

Native storage management

Hi! What about native storage managenent? I.e. option in settings, where user can:

  1. See storage and SD info;
  2. Format/rename/re-part SD-card;
  3. Choose, where Sailfish should install apps, keep android storage, videos, music, pictures, contacts, downloads etc. as different options!

I think that's will be awesome!

[feature-request] Native storage management

Hi! What about native storage managenent? I.e. option in settings, where user can:

  1. See storage and SD info;
  2. Format/rename/re-part SD-card;
  3. Choose, where Sailfish should install apps, keep android storage, videos, music, pictures, contacts, downloads etc. as different options!

I think that's will be awesome!

[feature-request] [Feature-request] Native storage management

Hi! What about native storage managenent? I.e. option in settings, where user can:

  1. See storage and SD info;
  2. Format/rename/re-part SD-card;
  3. Choose, where Sailfish should install apps, keep android storage, videos, music, pictures, contacts, downloads etc. as different options!

I think that's will be awesome!

[Feature-request] Native storage management

Hi! What about native storage managenent? I.e. option in settings, where user can:

  1. See storage and SD info;
  2. Format/rename/re-part SD-card;
  3. Choose, where Sailfish should install apps, keep android storage, videos, music, pictures, contacts, downloads etc. as different options!

I think that's will be awesome!