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posted 2015-01-24 01:47:02 +0200

Minor incorrect translation of Twitter label function in Events View


When viewing a tweet in Twitter Events, there are the three usual functions below text:

¤ Retweet = Reply * Bookmark

In French, first one is "Retweeter". That's fine.

But once you've retweeted someone's tweet, label for first function is changed to - I assume - in English: "Delete retweet"

In French localization of SailfishOS, it is labelled "Supprimer retweeter". That's not correct. It should be amended to "Supprimer retweet".


Minor incorrect translation of Twitter label function in Events View


When viewing a tweet in Twitter Events, there are the three usual functions below text:

¤ Retweet = Reply * Bookmark

In French, first one is "Retweeter". That's fine.

But once you've retweeted someone's tweet, label for first function is changed to - I assume - in English: "Delete retweet"

In French localization of SailfishOS, it is labelled "Supprimer retweeter". That's not correct. It should be amended to "Supprimer retweet".

EDIT: in fact, "Annuler retweet" would be the right way to word this.
