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posted 2015-03-18 00:17:06 +0200

Can't Jolla's browser handle the Acid2 test?

When I go to http://acid2.acidtests.org/ and tap "Take The Acid2 Test" the browser starts animating stuff but does not show anything similar to the reference rendering. Does it fail the test?

Sailfish OS Yliaavanlampi

Can't Jolla's browser handle the Acid2 test?

When I go to http://acid2.acidtests.org/ and tap "Take The Acid2 Test" the browser starts animating stuff but does not show anything similar to the reference rendering. Does it fail the test?

Sailfish OS Yliaavanlampi

Can't Jolla's browser handle the Acid2 (and acid3) test?

When I go to http://acid2.acidtests.org/ and tap "Take The Acid2 Test" the browser starts animating stuff but does not show anything similar to the reference rendering. Does it fail the test?

Sailfish OS Yliaavanlampi