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posted 2015-04-12 16:26:44 +0300

How can Jolla further optimise the pulley?

There's the pulley menu with three items whose items users can define.

There's the single item Close all long-press pulley menu. Please make this more useful by adding choices like a mute toggle, audio recorder or two or three user-defined choices.

For the two screens, pulleys in all four directions could be present following a long press. This could satisfy perceived needs for greater user empowerment on the device and wouldn't interfere with current interface implementation.

Pulley menus needn't be limited to one menu per screen edge.

How can Jolla further optimise the pulley?

There's the pulley menu with three items whose items users can define.

There's the single item Close all long-press pulley menu. Please make this more useful by adding choices like a mute toggle, audio recorder or two or three user-defined choices.

For the two screens, pulleys in all four directions could be present following a long press. This could satisfy perceived needs for greater user empowerment on the device and wouldn't interfere with current interface implementation.

Pulley menus needn't be limited to one menu per screen edge.

Multipulley: How can Jolla further optimise the pulley?

There's the pulley menu with three items whose items users can define.

There's the single item Close all long-press pulley menu. Please make this more useful by adding choices like a mute toggle, audio recorder or two or three user-defined choices.

For the two screens, pulleys in all four directions could be present following a long press. This could satisfy perceived needs for greater user empowerment on the device and wouldn't interfere with current interface implementation.

Pulley menus needn't be limited to one menu per per screen edge. That is to say, two or three pulleys can comfortably sit side-by-side along each edge and remain comfortably accessible by a thumb-pull gesture. The hidden pulley edge highlighting could contine to be brightest/most lit in the centre of each pulley menu's edge widget.

Multipulley: Go, forth & multipulley: How can Jolla further optimise the pulley?

There's the pulley menu with three items whose items users can define.

There's the single item Close all long-press pulley menu. Please make this more useful by adding choices like a mute toggle, audio recorder or two or three user-defined choices.

For the two screens, pulleys in all four directions could be present following a long press. This could satisfy perceived needs for greater user empowerment on the device and wouldn't interfere with current interface implementation.

Pulley menus needn't be limited to one menu per screen edge. That is to say, two or three pulleys can comfortably sit side-by-side along each edge and remain comfortably accessible by a thumb-pull gesture. The hidden pulley edge highlighting could contine to be brightest/most lit in the centre of each pulley menu's edge widget.

Go, forth & multipulley: How can Jolla further optimise the pulley?

There's the pulley menu with three items whose items users can define.

There's the single item Close all long-press pulley menu. Please make this more useful by adding choices like a mute toggle, audio recorder or two or three user-defined choices.

For the two screens, pulleys in all four directions could be present following a long press. This could satisfy perceived needs for greater user empowerment on the device and wouldn't interfere with current interface implementation.

Pulley menus needn't be limited to one menu per screen edge. That is to say, two or three pulleys can comfortably sit side-by-side along each edge edge and remain comfortably accessible by a thumb-pull gesture. The hidden pulley edge highlighting could contine to be brightest/most lit in the centre of each pulley menu's edge widget.

Example features that can fit a multipulley setup:

Style removal, or rather style on/off toggling in web pages and certain QML content, to enforce a simpler, text-centric GUI on the device, to satisfy the needs, requirements and casual huffy puffy we-pay-your-salary excessive whims of the interested customer.

Go, forth & multipulley: How can Jolla further optimise the pulley?

There's the pulley menu with three items whose items users can define.

There's the single item Close all long-press pulley menu. Please make this more useful by adding choices like a mute toggle, audio recorder or two or three user-defined choices.

For the two screens, pulleys in all four directions could be present following a long press. This could satisfy perceived needs for greater user empowerment on the device and wouldn't interfere with current interface implementation.

Pulley menus needn't be limited to one menu per screen edge. That is to say, two or three pulleys can comfortably sit side-by-side along each edge and remain comfortably accessible by a thumb-pull gesture. The hidden pulley edge highlighting could contine to be brightest/most lit in the centre of each pulley menu's edge widget.

Example features that can fit a multipulley setup:

Style removal, or rather style on/off toggling in web pages and certain QML content, to enforce a simpler, text-centric GUI on the device, to satisfy the needs, requirements and casual huffy puffy we-pay-your-salary excessive whims of the interested customer.

Go, forth & multipulley: How can Jolla further optimise the pulley?

There's the pulley menu with three items whose items users can define.

There's the single item Close all long-press pulley menu. Please make this more useful by adding choices like a mute toggle, audio recorder or two or three user-defined choices.

For the two screens, pulleys in all four directions could be present following a long press. This could satisfy perceived needs for greater user empowerment on the device and wouldn't interfere with current interface implementation.

Pulley menus needn't be limited to one menu per screen edge. That is to say, two or three pulleys can comfortably sit side-by-side along each edge and remain comfortably accessible by a thumb-pull gesture. The hidden pulley edge highlighting could contine to be brightest/most lit in the centre of each pulley menu's edge widget.

Example features that can fit a multipulley setup:

Style removal, or rather style on/off toggling in web pages and certain QML content, to enforce a simpler, text-centric GUI on the device, to satisfy the needs, requirements and casual huffy puffy we-pay-your-salary excessive whims of the interested customer.

Go, forth & multipulley: How can Jolla further optimise the pulley?

There's the pulley menu with three items whose items users can define.

There's the single item Close all long-press pulley menu. Please make this more useful by adding choices like a mute toggle, audio recorder or two or three user-defined choices.

For the two screens, pulleys in all four directions could be present following a long press. This could satisfy perceived needs for greater user empowerment on the device and wouldn't interfere with current interface implementation.

Pulley menus needn't be limited to one menu per screen edge. That is to say, two or three pulleys can sit side-by-side along each edge and remain comfortably accessible by a thumb-pull gesture. The hidden pulley edge highlighting highlighting could contine to be brightest/most lit in the centre of each pulley menu's edge widget.

widget. Example features that can fit a multipulley setup:

setup: Style removal, or rather style on/off toggling in web pages and certain QML content, to enforce a simpler, text-centric GUI on the device, to satisfy the needs, requirements and casual huffy puffy we-pay-your-salarywe-once-paid-several-minutes-of-your-salary excessive whims of the interested customer.

Go, forth & multipulley: How can Jolla further optimise the pulley?

There's the pulley menu with three items whose items users can define.

There's the single item Close all long-press pulley menu. Please make this more useful by adding choices like a mute toggle, audio recorder or two or three user-defined choices.

For the two screens, pulleys in all four directions could be present following a long press. This could satisfy perceived needs for greater user empowerment on the device and wouldn't interfere with current interface implementation.

Pulley menus needn't be limited to one menu per screen edge. That is to say, two or three pulleys can sit side-by-side along each edge and remain comfortably accessible by a thumb-pull gesture. The hidden pulley edge highlighting could contine to be brightest/most lit in the centre of each pulley menu's edge widget. Example features that can fit a multipulley setup: Style removal, or rather style on/off toggling in web pages and certain QML content, to enforce a simpler, text-centric GUI on the device, to satisfy the needs, requirements and casual huffy puffy we-once-paid-several-minutes-of-your-salary excessive whims of the interested customer.

Go, forth Forth & multipulley: Multipulley: How can Jolla optimise the pulley?

There's the pulley menu with three items whose items users can define.

There's the single item Close all long-press pulley menu. Please make this more useful by adding choices like a mute toggle, audio recorder or two or three user-defined choices.

For the two screens, pulleys in all four directions could be present following a long press. This could satisfy perceived needs for greater user empowerment on the device and wouldn't interfere with current interface implementation.

Pulley menus needn't be limited to one menu per screen edge. That is to say, two or three pulleys can sit side-by-side along each edge and remain comfortably accessible by a thumb-pull gesture. The hidden pulley edge highlighting could contine to be brightest/most lit in the centre of each pulley menu's edge widget. Example features that can fit a multipulley setup: Style removal, or rather style on/off toggling in web pages and certain QML content, to enforce a simpler, text-centric GUI on the device, to satisfy the needs, requirements and casual huffy puffy we-once-paid-several-minutes-of-your-salary excessive whims of the interested customer.

Go, Forth & Multipulley: How can Jolla optimise the pulley?

tldr; one edge pulleying seems arbitrarily limited and two or more pulley menus per given edge seems similarly better.

There's the pulley menu with three items whose items users can define.

There's the single item Close all long-press pulley menu. Please make this more useful by adding choices like a mute toggle, audio recorder or two or three user-defined choices.

For the two screens, pulleys in all four directions could be present following a long press. This could satisfy perceived needs for greater user empowerment on the device and wouldn't interfere with current interface implementation.

Pulley menus needn't be limited to one menu per screen edge. That is to say, two or three pulleys can sit side-by-side along each edge and remain comfortably accessible by a thumb-pull gesture. The hidden pulley edge highlighting could contine to be brightest/most lit in the centre of each pulley menu's edge widget. Example features that can fit a multipulley setup: Style removal, or rather style on/off toggling in web pages and certain QML content, to enforce a simpler, text-centric GUI on the device, to satisfy the needs, requirements and casual huffy puffy we-once-paid-several-minutes-of-your-salary excessive whims of the interested customer.

Go, Forth & Multipulley: How can Jolla optimise the pulley?

tldr; one tl;dr edge One-edge pulleying seems arbitrarily limited and two or more pulley menus per given edge seems similarly better.

There's the pulley menu with three items whose items users can define.

There's the single item Close all long-press pulley menu. Please make this more useful by adding choices like a mute toggle, audio recorder or two or three user-defined choices.

For the two screens, pulleys in all four directions could be present following a long press. This could satisfy perceived needs for greater user empowerment on the device and wouldn't interfere with current interface implementation.

Pulley menus needn't be limited to one menu per screen edge. That is to say, two or three pulleys can sit side-by-side along each edge and remain comfortably accessible by a thumb-pull gesture. The hidden pulley edge highlighting could contine to be brightest/most lit in the centre of each pulley menu's edge widget. Example features that can fit a multipulley setup: setup:

Style removal, or rather style on/off toggling in web pages and certain QML content, to enforce a simpler, text-centric GUI on the device, to satisfy the needs, requirements and casual huffy puffy we-once-paid-several-minutes-of-your-salary excessive whims of the interested customer.