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posted 2015-05-23 14:27:23 +0200

Bicycle app

Hi, I desperate to find a good bicycle app for the Jolla phone with maps, possibility to create routes and recording performances. I found on Yandex and Aptoide this one (http://www.bikemap.net/apps/), but it has not been updated for a long time because it's not an official one. Is it possible to Jolla to work with this kind of companie to create the bike app which the Jolla phone needs? Thanks

Bicycle app

Hi, I desperate to find a good bicycle app for the Jolla phone with maps, possibility to create routes and recording performances. I found on Yandex and Aptoide this one (http://www.bikemap.net/apps/), but it has not been updated for a long time because it's not an official one. Is it possible to Jolla to work with this kind of companie to create the bike app which the Jolla phone needs? Thanks