[Bug] Received SMS mixed together
asked 2015-07-21 23:19:11 +0200

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Last few days it sometimes happend, that recieved SMS does not make sense. So I asked sender and it is proved by screenshot that received message is corrupted.
It seems as an very old message is mixed at the end of the new one. Maybe it occures at the place where two SMS linked together to a long message. Up to now it only happend with the two most longest chats (more than 1000). Maybe an overflow in database?
I know there are already other threads according to SMSbugs, but I think mine is different to: phone receive same SMS many times or Old SMS text is sent instead of new text.
P.S.: Sailfish is still on
Edit: Still happening in 2020 with SFOS
I started noticing this as well on 1.1.6 with recipients that have way more than 1000 messages. There is an old message appended locally. It happened as I left the phone to lock itself on its own and also after forcing lock with the hardware key and then unlocking again. Hard to replicate.
Mr.Pancake ( 2015-07-22 02:17:42 +0200 )editI can't confirm that it is in relation with autolock. I know know I'm not the only one. So it is not a provider problem. If this bug is still on 1.1.7, I have to open an support case. This bug is very disgusting...
SaimenSays ( 2015-07-26 01:51:41 +0200 )editI can now confirm that extra (old and sent by me previously) sms randomly appears immediately after sending sms (contact with a few thousand messages).
Mr.Pancake ( 2015-07-31 02:21:33 +0200 )editThere is also: Problems with "long" SMS messages (>160 chars.) including emojis
Problems are existing with receiving and sending!
I have < 1024 messages with a contact. Received a message which made no sense (sender likely placed emojis in it). The beginning is missing and I just received the end.
Even worse:
Contact with some more messages, don't know if > 1024 but I don't think so. I sent a long message. It's in the history exactly as I wrote it. But the recipient got the begin with content from a sms I've sent 5 months ago, and the end with content of the actual one. Thats a no go which can have terrible consequences depending on whats getting mixed up here.
So has anyone of you opened a ticket? Is Jolla aware of this terrible bugs?
It could be a reason for me to switch mobile os. Because I now feel very insecure and uncomfortable as I don't know what content my device will really send.
A day or so after the receive bug appeared about every second message didn't get sent (correctly) (provider answered with an automated sms that it could not be transfered). To overcome this the message had to be written new i.e. with copy and paste. I backed up and imported my messages with the backup function after that. This solved the provider does not "want" to send issue. But the bug of sending wrong content happened after that, so with a relatively new imported database. Receiving bug was while on 1.1.4, sending bug on 1.1.6!
This all happened after I used xmpp for some days. But this messages were already deleted and the protocol was deactivated.
Halo2 ( 2015-07-31 19:04:41 +0200 )editI have this problem since the beginning of the Jolla phone. Normally I do not delete messages from the conversation with my girlfriend. Every time the conversation has too much messages, SMS with more than 160 characters are mixed up. It seems that the more messages are in the conversation, the more messages are mixed up. In these cases I delete the conversation. After clearing the conversation, long SMS are not mixed up until the conversation has too much messages again. This is very annoying. The phone should be able to handle with huge conversations.
szobi ( 2015-07-31 23:32:51 +0200 )edit