openssh password no uppercase characters enterable [answered]
I'm trying to ssh into my router where I have set a password with both uppercase and lowercase characters.
The VKB of the terminal on Jolla Sailfish OS will show uppercase characters but upon stroking a key, a lowercase one is inserted.
I first thought this behaviour was related to openssh from NielDKs repo, but upon rolling back to stock, I can confirm the behaviour is not related to it. By the way sshpass allows me to login with the proper password, though only if I had accepted the key first, when it still worked the way it's supposed to.
I've also noticed the thing that the keyboard shows uppercase letters, but once you tap one it shows the equivalent lower case letter. However, I'm capable of logging in via ssh with mixed case passwords from the default Jolla terminal.
Okw ( 2015-07-25 14:16:37 +0200 )editMaybe it's a security feature and I really have mistyped 20 times in a row. I'll check again. Thanks for notifying me!
MoritzJT ( 2015-07-25 17:29:27 +0200 )edit