Jolla has serious connectivity problems in
In the newest release (early access), my Jolla has a lot of trouble connecting to mobile network after a reboot. It needs as much as 10 minutes to get network connection. The process can be sped up by using the Restart Network Connections in Sailfish Utilities. Either way, it proceeds to show lack of connection on the UI even though the connection is up and running, visible here: Ping flowing through, but the networking icon grayed out (interestingly, the "internet icon" is showing though).
Let me confirm few things, is network connection same as mobile data connection? And what you mean by networking icon and internet icon?
What operator are you using and in which country?
tigeli ( 2015-07-27 20:59:26 +0200 )@tigeli, if you look at the picture it seems to have the mobile-data status icon but at the same time the GSM indicator is showing no signal.
r0kk3rz ( 2015-07-27 21:33:56 +0200 )Yes, what @r0kk3rz says. Both network and mobile data are down initially, both go up after either a long time or using the utility. By the networking icon I mean the network connection indicator on the right, internet icon being the internet connection indicator on the left.
It's Mobile Vikings in Poland, they're using PLAY network though. Worked like a charm on previous updates.
tadzik ( 2015-07-27 21:41:27 +0200 )@r0kk3rz@tadzik Thanks.. feeling bit slow right now. :D
@tadzik Do you have any other sim from different operator? So that you could confirm does it just happen with this operator or with some others too?
tigeli ( 2015-07-27 21:51:06 +0200 )