We have moved to a new Sailfish OS Forum. Please start new discussions there.

Sailfish User Group Graz

asked 2015-08-04 11:13:55 +0200

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updated 2015-08-04 11:48:48 +0200

wanderer gravatar image

We are going to have more or less regular meetings for all the people in and around Graz, Austria, who are using a Jolla or are interested in Sailfish OS. Four Jolla Users from Graz including me, had a nice first meeting on 3.8.2015.

Following the example from the guys in Munich, this is the thread for planning future meetings and further discussions. We suggest to have one answer with comments for each meeting.

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Would have been nice to drink some Puntigamer. I got my phone in 2014 in Graz but I don't live there anymore :(. Drink one for me too! Prost!

juzupuh ( 2015-08-04 17:35:20 +0200 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2015-08-04 11:23:03 +0200

this post is marked as community wiki

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.

updated 2015-08-04 11:23:03 +0200

wanderer gravatar image

Next Meeting:

To be determined, please comment here.

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I suggest that we will have the next meeting, when we got our new Jolla tablet. What about in the middle of September?

wanderer ( 2015-08-04 11:31:15 +0200 )edit

I only believe in a delivery in September if Jolla provides the information about a shipping in September ;)

luchmhor ( 2015-08-04 11:42:50 +0200 )edit

Follow up on the tablet:

Shipping is on its way: https://blog.jolla.com/first-batch-of-jolla-tablets-completed/ BUT: Firt batch soon be shipped (dev systems) ... Below in the comments:

"general shipments to contributors will take about 3-5 weeks from this pre-production batch shipment"

This menas if they start shipping end of Aug to mid of Sep. Delivery about 3-4 workdays later throughout Europe I guess.

luchmhor ( 2015-08-05 16:55:08 +0200 )edit

These are good news. I think a shipment in the middle of September is realistic.

I have to say that I won't be in Graz between September 21st and 24th, so I'd like to have the meeting on a different day than these :).

wanderer ( 2015-08-05 17:23:05 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2015-08-04 11:13:55 +0200

Seen: 271 times

Last updated: Aug 04 '15